VA Shame

January 8, 2009

Veterans The latest yesterday in grand ‘Support the Troops’ style:

  • The U.S. Army said Wednesday that 7,000 family members of soldiers killed in the Iraq or Afghan wars mistakenly were sent letters addressing them as “John Doe.”
    Army Chief of Staff Gen. George W. Casey, Jr., was sending a personal letter to all the families who received the improperly addressed letters as the result of a printing error, the Army said.

    Casey’s personal note to the families alluded to the fact that he lost his own father in Vietnam and it said the Army is extremely sensitive to family grief.

Such bubble-crap from Decider George’s mis-guided military.
The ‘Support the Troops’ motif blubbering from this White House the past eight years is nothing more than vapor in the air — another lying disaster.

(Illustration found here).

The shame of the official US attitude toward veterans of Decider George’s terrifying, misnomer Global War on Terror — the only good soldier is one with a rifle still fighting in Iraq or Afghanistan — the rest can go to spit.

And at tomdispatch this week is a call to just do the math — count the bodies!

  • Of course, both the Pax Americana and the Pax Republicana would prove will-o’-the-wisps.As it turned out, the Bush administration, blind to the actual world it faced, disastrously miscalculated the nature of American power — especially military power — and what it was capable of doing.
    And yet, had they taken a clear-eyed look at what American military power had actually achieved in action since 1945, they might have been sobered.
    In the major wars (and even some minor actions) the U.S. military fought in those decades, it had been massively destructive but never victorious, nor even particularly successful.
    In many ways, in the classic phrase of Chinese Communist leader Mao Zedong, it had been a “paper tiger.”

    Eight years of bodies, dead, broken, mutilated, abused; eight years of ruined lives down countless drains; eight years of massive destruction to places from Baghdad to New Orleans where nothing of significance was ever rebuilt: all this was brought to us by a President, now leaving office without apology, who said the following in his first inaugural address: “I will live and lead by these principles: to advance my convictions with civility… to call for responsibility and try to live it as well.”
    He lived, however, by quite a different code.
    Destruction without responsibility, that’s Bush’s legacy, but who’s counting now that the destruction mounts and the bodies begin to pile up here in the “homeland,” in our own body count nation?
    The laid off, the pension-less, the homeless, the suicides — imagine what that trillion dollars might have meant to them.

Even gone, Decider George will live in infamy.

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