Crazy Cute

February 9, 2012

Sleep wasn’t too happy this cycle — insomnia is a baffling infliction, hard to judge and makes a mess of a day.
But, what the hey?
Wee-early is crazy time.

Fer instance, Tom Brady’s old lady gets whipped after whining — Gisele Bundchen was overheard lambasting fumble-fingered receivers, but the Giants’ Brandon Jacobs retorted: “She just needs to continue to be cute and shut up…I mean, she’s supposed to stay out of things like that,” he said. “But at the end of the day that’s their relationship, and she has the right to say whatever she wants to.”

(Illustration found here).

And GOP politics makes some go out there.
Via Raw Story:

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has inspired a New York-based condom company to create a prophylactic for “anyone with an elite penis.”
The product, sold on, features packaging with Romney’s likeness, the words “never settle” and a background of $100 bills.
“Despite Mitt’s Inability To Stick To A Position, Romney Condoms Are Great For ANY Position,” the website boasts.

The former Massachusetts governor recently told CNN that he was “not concerned about the very poor that have a safety net, but if it has holes in it, I will repair them.”
But according to the website, this product is “one ‘safety net’ that doesn’t have any holes.”

In addition, the website touts that Romney Condoms “are tax free so even the poor can afford them.”

One needs to get one’s mitts on those.

Even as the shit fills the war news, US leaders are choking on their own bowel’s entrails.
Are Afghan security/military good enough to handle NATO gone?
One yes, many no — from The Australian and the US spin:

Afghan forces will be “good enough” to take over their country’s security by the end of 2014, even though only a small number of them now operate independently from NATO-led troops, a top US general has said.
Lieutenant General Curtis Scaparrotti, deputy commander of US forces and the head of the NATO-led force’s joint command, acknowledged that Afghan army and police still had a way to go before overseeing security without major assistance from foreign troops.

“At times, a (US) private will tell me they’re not that good. But a private’s looking at it from the perspective of how he’s trained, or the Marine’s trained, and the standards are very different,” the general said.
“I can tell you personally from experience and from feedback from others, these soldiers will fight, particularly at the company level.
There’s no question about that,” he said.
“And they’re going to be good enough, as we build them, to secure their country and to counter the insurgency that they’re dealing with now,” he said.

Bullshit knocked by more bullshit — via the New York Times last month:

American and other coalition forces here are being killed in increasing numbers by the very Afghan soldiers they fight alongside and train, in attacks motivated by deep-seated animosity between the supposedly allied forces, according to American and Afghan officers and a classified coalition report.
A decade into the war in Afghanistan, the report makes clear that these killings have become the most visible symptom of a far deeper ailment plaguing the war effort: the contempt each side holds for the other, never mind the Taliban.
The ill will and mistrust run deep among civilians and militaries on both sides, raising questions about what future role the United States and its allies can expect to play in Afghanistan.

“The sense of hatred is growing rapidly,” said an Afghan Army colonel.
He described his troops as “thieves, liars and drug addicts,” but also said that the Americans were “rude, arrogant bullies who use foul language.”

‘Foul language?’ — WTF?

And a lot young US peoples most likely are using ‘foul language’ while hunting down a job.
From HuffPost:

Just 54 percent of Americans ages 18 to 24 currently have jobs, according to a study released Thursday by the Pew Research Center.
That’s the lowest employment rate for this age group since the government began keeping track in 1948.
And it’s a sharp drop from the 62 percent who had jobs in 2007 — suggesting the recession is crippling career prospects for a broad swath of young people who were still in high school or college when the downturn began.

A lot of crazy shit out there, from all over.
While all this is going on, this particular morning keeps on going, too.
A loss of sleep won’t really raise its shaggy head until later this afternoon when I’ll be so tired and sick of it all that I just might tell some asshole Lottery player to go f*uck themselves.

One thing cute and crazy is the weather — it’s been one warm winter not only here on California’s northern coast, but all around the US as well — all the time Europe is freezing their asses.
A dream-like shroud is falling across the world.
But US peoples are trying to weather their elected government — they so dislike their Congress critters.
From Bloomberg:

The public’s contempt for the U.S. Congress continues to grow.
The Gallup Poll’s latest gauge of public sentiment for the job Congress is doing sank to a record low, with 10 percent of Americans registering approval.
That’s down from 13 percent in January and a previous low of 11 percent in December.
Of those surveyed, 86 percent disapproved of the job Congress is doing.
That ties with a record disapproval rating set in December.

Not crazy, and way-not cute.

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