‘Good’ Pot

December 28, 2016

Glaring, bright sunshine this early Wednesday on California’s north coast, and still well on the chilly side, too.
Supposedly the next couple of days, the weather will cooperate in a similar pattern with ‘Mostly Sunny‘ days, and cold temperatures — no rain forecast until the weekend, but we’ll have to wait and check-it-out.

Also on the wait-and-see list is T-Rump’s action on marijuana — he’s nominated Alabama-asshole Jeff Sessions as AG, who last April low-classed stoners: ‘“Good people don’t smoke marijuana,” and that it was a “very real danger” that is “not the kind of thing that ought to be legalized”‘ — and the prick could smear even more mud on pot’s many benefits, beyond bong hits, and the perception of its harm.

And the health asset in many aspects…

(Illustration: ‘Cannabis,’ by Michael Creese, found here).

Although the DEA last summer loosened the rules to allow more farms to grow cannabis for official research purposes, a lot of misinformation laced with emotion, like Sessions, just a shit in the mess kit.

The reality is different.

And a for instance — a new study seems to suggest teens ‘think’ pot is harmless in states that have legalized marijuana for rec use. Supposedly, teens’ perceptions of marijuana’s harmfulness decreased by 5 percent and 7 percent among 8th and 10th graders.
The big, big take-away: ‘However, the study did not prove that legalizing recreational use of marijuana caused teens to find it less harmful or be more likely to try it.’

Further, the roadways could be safer. I spied this story last week and wondered if the news media in some form would pick it up, but nothing. Another new study indicates medical marijuana could also save lives out on the road as well as in clinics.
From ARSTechnica last Thursday:

When examining 19 states that had medical marijuana laws on the books by 2014, researchers found that their average rate of traffic deaths fell 11 percent after the laws were enacted.
The happy side-effect wasn’t uniform, however; only seven states saw significant reductions, while two states saw increases.
Nevertheless, the authors of the new report in the American Journal of Public Health argue that the data bucks the common criticism that more pot access should increase car crashes and injuries.

And more — via LiveScience earlier this month: ‘A drug made from marijuana that does not produce a “high” may help reduce seizures in people with certain types of epilepsy that are difficult to treat, new research suggests.’

Can’t wait-and-see…

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