Rain Ruse

February 7, 2017

Misty-drizzle this Tuesday morning on California’s north coast, the tail-end of one storm, blended with the creeping-arrival of another.
Supposedly, another wet front will be cruising onto the shoreline up here this evening and tonight, with rain forecast at least through the weekend.

Earlier, I thought maybe it was dry enough to quickly-walk to Safeway and back — after a potty-run with my daughter’s dog, however, produced evidence of what I’ve come to call, ‘The Humboldt Drizzle,’ a phenomena which cloaks heavy-wet in a light mist, a rainfall ruse.
And if on foot, the environment will drench your ass before you can get to the end of the block.
You go, WTF!
Now, I’m too old for that shit…

(Illustration: Pablo Picasso’s ‘The Two Saltimbanques‘ found here).

After nearly a decade of living along the Redwood Coast, I’ve acclimated into the surroundings. It did take a couple of wet encounters with The Humboldt Drizzle to understand the concept — it’s worse than it seems.

As in climate change — spied this over the weekend at NakedCapitalism, and a discussion of the melting Arctic.
Key point from Dr. David Barber, a specialist in sea ice and climate change at the University of Manitoba, in Winnipeg:

Well, first of all, I’m not a specialist in sea level rise, so I’m a little bit uncomfortable with giving you numbers.
I’d rather talk more about the implications of this.
What we’re seeing in the Arctic with the current situation, is that the cryosphere — so those portions of the earth’s system that are frozen, so lake ice, sea ice, glacial ice — all of them are being affected. They’re all melting.
The Greenland ice sheet, we’re losing mass from it about 600-percent faster than what we expected.
And of course, it’s the glacial ice masses that are really causing the sea level rise issue to be such an issue.

And it’s wetter than it looks…

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