America In A ‘Surreal’ Babel Of Disunity Disaster

December 10, 2020

Instigator of division more like it:

A highlight of the frightful absurdity of our current time comes via Elena Parent, a Democratic state senator in Georgia, and what happened after a legal-bullshit hearing two weeks ago headed by Rudy Giuliani — the backlashg might have occurred in a third-world country, not here.
From the Guardian this morning:

The bombardment began immediately.
“The attacks came from all corners and on all platforms,” Parent told the Guardian.
“They were in chat-boards, by email, in comments on my Facebook and Instagram pages, on the phone. They ran the gamut from basic insults to ‘We are watching you, you have kids, we are coming to your house.’”

In eight years as an elected politician in Georgia, she had never experienced anything like it.
“It was surreal. I’m not someone who will ever be bullied or intimidated into being silent, but never have I had an issue on this scale.”

The bile spread far and wide.
An elected official in Missouri accused her on Facebook of an act of treason “punishable by death”.

The worst part wasn’t the threats of sexual violence against her, or even the death threats; it was that her home address was plastered all over the internet.
As a result, state police have stepped up patrols outside her home.

Parent has no doubt about the source of the overwhelming assault she has endured.
“We have a president who does not care about American institutions or democracy. He has created a cult-like following and is exposing people like me across the country to danger because of his unfounded rhetoric on the election.”

What she fears most is that “cult-like” quality of Trump supporters.
“That makes the entire experience more disturbing because you know there is no logic or sense of reality that will dissuade or deter these folks.”

One example of a shitload of violent threats to both Democrats and Republicans alike. All stemming from the savage onslaught coming from the T-Rump, a way-mentally disturbed asshole with so many terrible disorders it’s really mind blowing. He’s incapable of any rational, thoughtful action.

A good sense of this unhinged behavior is revealed in a piece this morning by Alan Blotcky and Seth Norrholm at Salon on the adverse status of the T-Rump’s brain — a snip:

Part of Trump’s pathology is his scorched-earth mentality in response to his electoral defeat.
He is filing baseless and frivolous lawsuits to try to overturn our free election.
He is trying to subvert democracy by pressuring election officials to be dishonest and corrupt.
He is exacting his revenge on Americans for rebuffing him.
He is trying to undermine his successor so that he will be unsuccessful.
He wants to pardon everyone in sight so that the rule of law will not apply to them.
He wants to reinstitute executions by firing squad.
He is not allowing the Biden transition team to talk with our intelligence agencies.
Fascist sycophants are coming out of the woodwork to condone Trump’s anti-democratic and anti-American rants.

He is so angry, embarrassed and humiliated that he cannot stand it.
His instinct is to lash out, blame others, hurt others, distort reality, claim victory and exhibit false bravado.
Nothing about his response is healthy, mature or normal.
He is out of control.
Our country is being forced to tolerate his crazed rhetoric and behavior.

Read the whole piece, as it’s a open look at who is in control of this country and where we’re headed in the next few weeks — scary as shit. As Blotcky and Norrholm conclude:

The moral of this nightmare is that we must never again elect a mentally disordered president.
We must require a psychological and psychiatric examination of all presidential candidates going forward, to be administered by a team of qualified experts.
We must have a process whereby dangerous psychopathology can be identified and specific recommendations for public service can be offered.
We could have saved our country from the past four years of anguish if we’d had a such a process in place in 2016.

Forty-one days to go to rid ourselves of this toxic and self-destructive man.
We will prevail. But it will be hell getting there.

Donald Trump will make sure of that. He wants it that way.

And slowly time treks forward — 40 days, 23 hours, 24 minutes (as of right now)…

(Illustration: ‘Tower of Babel,’ a 1928 woodcut by M. C. Escher, found here).

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