Gosar Cesured — Instead of Remorse, Republicans Bullshit-Claimed Nancy Pelosi Has ‘Torn The Fabric Of This House Apart’

November 17, 2021

A bit of sunshine finally this late-afternoon Wednesday here in California’s Central Valley — an emotional good swing from the thick ‘radiation fog’ that’s been enveloping the valley for days on endless days.
Sun is happy.

Meanwhile, far back east in DC, Paul Gosar was censured today by the House and removed from committee assignments for posting an animated video that depicted him killing Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and attacking Joe Biden. Although he deleted the video, Gosar didn’t give a shit about what happened, and neither do Republicans. They lined up to praise him instead of facing honest reality, no remorse, no sorrow.

The shit was the normal, unhinged GQP behavior:

Story of this nonsense via The New York Times this evening:

A bitterly divided U.S. House of Representatives voted narrowly on Wednesday to censure Representative Paul Gosar, Republican of Arizona, for posting an animated video that depicted him killing a Democratic congresswoman and assaulting President Biden.

The formal rebuke of the far-right congressman who has allied himself with white nationalists — the first censure since 2010 and only the 24th in the history of the republic — also stripped him of his committee assignments.
The vast majority of Republicans opposed the move against Mr. Gosar, whose conduct G.O.P. leaders have refused to publicly condemn, the latest sign of the party’s growing tolerance of menacing statements.

The vote was 223 to 207, with just two Republicans, Representatives Liz Cheney of Wyoming and Adam Kinzinger of Illinois, joining Democrats in favor.
One other Republican, Representative David Joyce of Ohio, voted “present.”

The vote, and the incendiary, emotional and personal debate leading up to it, laid bare the divisions of the moment, when Democrats say they must speak out against vicious threats and imagery that could give rise to the kind of violence that unfolded during the Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol.
That attack hung heavily over Wednesday’s debate.

Along with the flying-nutcase in the tweet above, Republicans whined with irony lost:

Republicans, giving voice to the grievances of their base, contended that their rights as the political minority were being trampled by an unfettered and out-of-control Democratic majority. They said the rapid move to pass a censure resolution exposed the Democrats’ true agenda: silencing conservatives by branding them as instigators of violence.

“There’s an old definition of abuse of power: rules for thee but not for me,” Representative Kevin McCarthy of California, the Republican leader, said, repeating the phrase over and over.
Going through a litany of House Democrats who have offended Republicans, he warned that every one of them might soon be serving — and potentially penalized — under the rules of a Republican-led House.

“It’s about control,” he said.

Control without governing, power without sense of reason — cruelty/violence is the point:

During the debate, Republican lawmakers rose in turn to back Mr. Gosar. They complained of a debasement of the power to censure by Ms. Pelosi that they argued was of a piece with two impeachments of a Republican president, the rejection of Republicans chosen by G.O.P. leadership for the committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol, and the House’s action earlier this year to strip another member of their party, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia, of her committee assignments for offensive social media posts that predated her political career.

“She’s created precedents that are going to reverberate for decades to come,” said Representative Rodney Davis, Republican of Illinois, who added that Ms. Pelosi had “torn the fabric of this House apart.”

As you can see, Republicans are lying to their own mirrored faces, what’s good for the country has nothing to do with what’s good for the GQP — they live off chaos and bullshit.

AOC made the simple the obvious, though, Republicans are too full of mean, nasty shit to see:

Here we are, once again…

(Illustration out front: Pablo Picasso’s ‘The Weeping Woman [La Femme qui pleure],’ found here)

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