Category Archives: Lying

T-Rump Junior And MAGA Ruthlessness

December 26, 2021

Even in the fading light this early-evening Sunday here in California’s Central Valley and the future of our current American life is on the line, starting next year. In that regard, good interview this afternoon…

Time Melting Away For Voting Rights — And Democracy!

December 22, 2021

As Republicans slowly-swiftly strangle democracy at the voting booth, there doesn’t seem to be much we can do, other than get as many people out to vote next November as possible. Until then: Shitty details…

Manchin’s Misshapen Affinity

December 20, 2021

Fallout off Joe Manchin’s back-stabbing Joe Biden’s Build Back Better act continues to flare and fester, especially as it’s known Manchin is just being a asshole-douchebag — news right-off-the-bat this morning and his core realities…

Screaming At MonsterMash Manchin — ‘A Walking Conflict Of Interest’

December 19, 2021

Dense, chilly fog here mid-day Sunday in California’s Central Valley, a full-scale return to our ‘tule fog‘ bullshit once again after some rain last week, with the version this morning a thick, near-opaque gray in…

Biggest Aid In COVID Surge — ‘Vaccine Protection’

December 17, 2021

As the COVID pandemic appears to be getting ready to hit the high-surge button again, this particular virus news story this morning was not top of a lot of media lists, usually well down on…

Republicans — Way-Serious Hypocrites

December 16, 2021

Awaiting the clouds to roll away this mid-day Thursday here in California’s Central Valley, in a move that hopefully will spark some supposed sunshine this afternoon — no rain forecast until next week. Weathering the…