Category Archives: Technology

Climate Change — Net-Zero Emissions ‘Perhaps The Greatest Challenge Humankind Has Ever Faced’

May 18, 2021

In seemingly a preview to the near future, Joe Biden in aviator shades and cracking wise, test drove an electric truck today during a visit to a Ford plant in Michigan — net-zero emissions the…

Chinese Space Junk To Fall Somewhere To Earth This Weekend — Chance Of Getting Struck ‘Not Zero’

May 7, 2021

In the midst of COVID, low economic numbers, the Liz Cheney/Elise Stefanik shit-storm, Joe Biden wearing a mask longer than necessary, and an assortment of other news items cycling through the system this morning —…

Ventilation Not Social Distancing Hinders COVID Spread Indoors — Six Feet Same As 60 Feet Without Proper Aerating

April 25, 2021

One of the scarier aspects of COVID-19 is its changing weirdness, not only in the quickly sprouting variants and mutations of the original coronavirus, but how science can do so much in the time we…

The Russians Are Here, The Russians Are Here — ‘The Largest Espionage Attack In History’

December 17, 2020

Last Sunday came word some ‘unknown’ hackers (Russians!) cracked the cyber systems of multiple US government agencies — from the Department of Homeland Security to the Department of Commerce — and maybe some state/city networks…