“Life Back”

September 29, 2010

We all remember what’s-his ass, Tony Hayward, whining last spring about this inconvenient oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico: “The first thing to say is I’m sorry,” he told reporters, when asked what he would like to tell locals whose livelihoods have been affected. “We’re sorry for the massive disruption it’s caused their lives. There’s no one who wants this over more than I do. I would like my life back,” he said.

(Illustration found here).

Hayward is a turd.
He and the entire oil industry can not understand.
Results from a new Gallup poll:

Before the BP oil spill, the Gulf Coast was a place of abundant shrimping, tourist-filled beaches and a happy if humble lifestyle.
Now, it’s home to depression, worry and sadness for many.
A Gallup survey released Tuesday of almost 2,600 coastal residents showed that depression cases are up more than 25 percent since an explosion killed 11 people and unleashed a three-month gusher of crude into the Gulf in April that ruined many livelihoods.
The conclusions were consistent with trends seen in smaller studies and witnessed by mental health workers.
People just aren’t as happy as they used to be despite palm trees and warm weather.
A “well-being index” included in the Gallup study said many coastal residents are stressed out, worried and sad more often than people living inland, an indication that the spill’s emotional toll lingers even if most of the oil has vanished from view.

The level of mental illness was similar to that seen six months after Hurricane Katrina decimated the coast five years ago, and experts aren’t yet seeing any improvement in mental health five months after the oil crisis began.
Before Katrina, a study by the National Institute of Mental Health said only 6 percent of area residents had likely mental illnesses.
“From the types of patients we are seeing in our emergency departments, clinics and hospitals, the problems are persisting,” said William Pinsky of the New Orleans-based Ochsner Health System, which conducted the random telephone survey of 406 people in four states during the summer.
Sleeplessness, anxiety, depression, anger, substance abuse and domestic violence are among the most common problems reported by mental health agencies.

Tejuania Nelson, who runs a day-care center in fishing-dependent Grand Bay, Ala., said preschoolers whose parents were left jobless because of the spill are lashing out in unsettling ways.
“They’re throwing desks, kicking chairs,” she said. “It’s sad. With this, people do not have hope. They cannot see a better time.”

Yes, Mr Hayward, a shitload of people would like their lives back, even as the perpetrators — BP, Halliburton, Transocean — point fingers and cat-fight over whose real fault it was this horrifying incident took place.

When children go crazy, there’s shit in the water and it’s hard get any kind of life back.

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