Tag Archives: assholes

In The Wake Of Helene/Milton, Weather People Under Attack, Threatened By MAGA — ‘Beyond Ridiculous’

October 11, 2024

Clear skies and on the coolish-side temperatures — comparatively speaking — here a bit after the noon hour Friday in California’s Central Valley as for the first time in a shitload of space we’re under…

T-Rump — A Horrible, Insane Piece-Of-Shit: ‘Inarguably Unfit To Hold Any Office Of Public Trust, Much Less President’

October 2, 2024

Hot and getting hotter shortly past the noon hour Wednesday here in California’s Central Valley — actual living boils down to whether we can weather the weather. The same goes for the T-Rump. Except the…

Lying Heartlessly

September 30, 2024

Another day in the seemingly endless-summer-days-during-the-fall-season syndrome this late-afternoon Monday in California’s Central Valley, as so it’s been the last near-couple-of-weeks  — clear-blue skies, glaring, bright sunshine coupled with warmish-close-to-heavy-hot temperatures (in the low 90s…

Racism And Lying — Together As Always

September 16, 2024

Giant, white-fluffy clouds with expansive gaps of clear-blue skies allow a shitload of bright sunshine this late-afternoon Monday here in California’s Central Valley — temps in a mild mid-70s range as our early-fall weather continues…