Category Archives: Crime

Down But Not Out!

July 19, 2024

Bright sunshine, just a whisper of a breeze and warming-quickly-up temperatures this late-morning Friday here in Californai’s Central Valley — lately, we’ve gone from a ‘heat dome’ hot to the now-normal ‘summer sizzle’ for the…

‘Old’ Joe Biden: A Cruel, Media Diversion From The Frightful, Horrifying T-Rump

July 10, 2024

Hot, heavy-thick air this late-afternoon Wednesday here in California’s Central Valley — we’re right now at 104 degrees, with all indications tomorrow will be much higher (112) — and maybe working our way to the…

Class Act — Horror Parody Of Frightful Satire

July 8, 2024

We’re on the outer edge, looking in. Funny, yet not at all — from The Onion (h/t Miss Cellania): PHOENIX—Following this week’s landmark Supreme Court ruling granting presidents broad immunity against criminal prosecution for official…

Rudy’s Espresso Arrogance

May 19, 2024

Sunshine and comfortable temperatures this late-afternoon Sunday here in California’s Central Valley — we’re closing another weekend as 2024 appears to be pounding ahead, it’s hard to believe we’re already nearly halfway through the year.…