Tag Archives: Rudy Giuliani

Rudy’s Espresso Arrogance

May 19, 2024

Sunshine and comfortable temperatures this late-afternoon Sunday here in California’s Central Valley — we’re closing another weekend as 2024 appears to be pounding ahead, it’s hard to believe we’re already nearly halfway through the year.…

Rudy’s Home And Office Searched By Federal Agents — Shit’s Geting Serious

April 28, 2021

Once again the floating skirt-tails of the T-Rump saga darkened another dim-bulb in the continuing tale of crime, corruption, and crass behavior —  New York federal agents executed a search warrant this morning at the…

Elite ‘Celebrity Status’ Cheats The Lottery For COVID Cure

December 10, 2020

If you’re a ‘celebrity’ even a deadly virus is nothing at all: Yesterday, the US set a record for single-day deaths from COVID-19 at 3,054, and then today broke it. And also today, CDC Director…

COVID Surge, Lockdowns, And Rudy Tests Positive

December 6, 2020

COVID surge continues as Californbia starts a nearly statewide ‘stay-at-home’ mandate as ICU beds become sparse while the numbers tick upward: Here in the Central Valley (the San Joaquin Valley portion of the state), we…

T-Rump Legal Lunacy: ‘Been laughed out of every courtroom’

November 25, 2020

Despite tons of evidence to the contrary, and the transition officially underway, the T-Rump is still blabbering about ballot-box fraud, and continued today backing-up personal nutcase/lawyer Rudy Giuliani’s induced public hearing in Pennsylvania on voting…