Category Archives: Joe Biden

Down But Not Out!

July 19, 2024

Bright sunshine, just a whisper of a breeze and warming-quickly-up temperatures this late-morning Friday here in Californai’s Central Valley — lately, we’ve gone from a ‘heat dome’ hot to the now-normal ‘summer sizzle’ for the…

Albeit Media Displeasure, Biden Rally Supporters Chant ‘Don’t You Quit!’ (and) ‘We Got Your Back!’

July 13, 2024

Weekend times as the world flashes insane. Despite acting presidential, Joe Biden continues having the skewered US media after his ass (The Conversation last week): ‘Journalism skeptics who have been observing the coverage after the…

‘Old’ Joe Biden: A Cruel, Media Diversion From The Frightful, Horrifying T-Rump

July 10, 2024

Hot, heavy-thick air this late-afternoon Wednesday here in California’s Central Valley — we’re right now at 104 degrees, with all indications tomorrow will be much higher (112) — and maybe working our way to the…

Celebrate America — Hopefully For Not The Last Time

July 4, 2024

Awaiting the sound of fireworks this late-afternoon Thursday, July 4th, Independence Day, here in California’s Central Valley — explosions in stifling heat are wondrous. We’re sitting at 105 degrees right now with darkness and the…