Tipping the Bucket

June 18, 2012

This morning, worldwide financial honchos are letting loose a collective sigh of relief as the Greeks swallowed their medicine as the pro-bailout New Democracy party claimed “a victory for all Europe” in Sunday’s national election.
Once again, we dodged the blistering bullet of chaos.

However, one round that’s keep popping is climate change, now on the eve of Rio+20, starting Wednesday in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, but any decent result out of the conference is far-fetched — the draft plan has already been dubbed “…neither ambitious enough nor delivers the required political will needed to fix our broken planet.”

(Illustration found here).

Although none of the higher powers on the planet, including our own President Obama, will be on hand in Rio, all these hipster, smart-asses will gather starting today in Los Cabos, Mexico, at another big so-called G-20 conference and instead of trying to temper a sick world, will try and create more freakin’ growth.
Obama, Putin, all the major characters will be present to chew the literal fat.

“The overwhelming focus of this G-20 is going to be reflecting the evolving debate around growth and the critical importance of global growth and global recovery,” said Mike Froman, the White House’s top international economic official.
“The European piece is the most central piece at the moment in that effort.”

Supposedly, the road to Rio leads through the G-20, but no one seems to care to put forth the effort for climate change — a contested theory at best and way, way on down future’s roadway.

Hey, assholes!
Time ain’t exactly on our side.

In a paper just published in Nature, titled, “Approaching a state-shift in Earth’s biosphere,” which suggests this wore-out planet is on the threshold or what’s been called, the “tipping point,” where the route is straight down no matter what we nit-twit humans do.
Via Earth First!:

“The last tipping point in Earth’s history occurred about 12,000 years ago when the planet went from being in the age of glaciers, which previously lasted 100,000 years, to being in its current interglacial state,” says Arne Mooers, SFU professor of biodiversity.
“Once that tipping point was reached, the most extreme biological changes leading to our current state occurred within only 1,000 years.
That’s like going from a baby to an adult state in less than a year.
Importantly, the planet is changing even faster now.”
Mooers is one of the paper’s authors.
He stresses, “The odds are very high that the next global state change will be extremely disruptive to our civilizations.
Remember, we went from being hunter-gatherers to being moon-walkers during one of the most stable and benign periods in all of Earth’s history.
“Once a threshold-induced planetary state-shift occurs, there’s no going back.
So, if a system switches to a new state because you’ve added lots of energy, even if you take out the new energy, it won’t revert back to the old system.
The planet doesn’t have any memory of the old state.”

“In a nutshell, humans have not done anything really important to stave off the worst because the social structures for doing something just aren’t there,” says Mooers.
“My colleagues who study climate-induced changes through the earth’s history are more than pretty worried.
In fact, some are terrified.”

No shit.

Especially with a new report of Arctic ice disappearing way-quickly: That looks pretty spectacular, doesn’t it? Sea ice area has never been so low for this date in the satellite record, not even close to it. 2012 has over half a million of square kilometres less ice than record minimum years 2007 and 2011.
And even as it’s obviously getting warmer: The globally-averaged land surface temperature for May 2012 was the all-time warmest May on record, at 1.21°C (2.18°F) above average.

Hello, tomorrow…hello..hello..?

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