
April 25, 2007

Dick Cheney had five deferments during Vietnam. And he claims those who oppose the Iraq mess “don’t have the stomach” for the war on terror. Easy life, easy street. The boy’s had it real good for a long time.

In today’s LA Times, George McGovern takes Cheney to task for saying Domocrats are returning to 1972 – the year George Mac ran for president – and the analogy is two terrible wars. Cheney, for his own good, and the good of the nation and the world, should spend the night in Sadr City. Bunk with the guys in one of those little police sites. Tag along on patrol.

He’s had it real easy a long time.

And yesterday, after Cheney hit the trough at a Republican policy luncheon on the Hill, he offered a few sweet words of wisdom on Democrats, the war, how it going so good and anyone who says it’s lost is playing into the long, evil fingers of Osma Bin Laden. A too fat of a life has ‘tarded the VP’s brain.

And while DC was yapping, Rep. Dennis Kucinich introduced some Articles of Impeachment against Cheney, using the Declaration of Independence as a source: “…(when an official) becomes destructive of the founding purposes, that official must be held accountable.”

If Dennis don’t get him, the bogeyman eventually will.

Somebody ought to. DC keeps harping about Osma’s tie to Saddam, even after just about everybody on the planet knew there is no tie, no link, no nothing, and there never has been. DC has to be, along with Karl Rove, two of the most-dishonest men on the planet. Neither would not hesitate to stoop to the lowest form of action to get what they want.

DC has a good life a long time and it’s slowly coming to an end.

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