Rain slashed by some gusty wind this early Sunday afternoon on California’s north coast as we cruise through another storm front, this one pertinent through tomorrow afternoon.
A tiny break, then supposedly, another short storm with hopefully clear skies/sunshine by Wednesday.
According to the NWS‘ weather thingy, winds are gusting near-about right-now at more than 35 mph — feels like it. Maybe 50 mph along ‘coastal headlands,’ where I be.
And we vaulted forward an hour this morning, leaped 60 minutes into the future, although the sense now in the afternoon is much later…
(Illustration: ‘A Break in Reality,’ by Xetobyte,found here).
Tomorrow just be careful behind the wheel — this morning via Vox:
Analyzing 21 years of fatal car crash data from the U.S. National Highway Transportation Safety Administration, they found a very small, but significant, increase of road deaths on the Monday after the clock shift in the spring: The number of deadly accidents jumped to an average of 83.5 on the “spring forward” Monday compared to an average of 78.2 on a typical Monday.
“We didn’t expect to see anything, actually,” Richard P. Allen, the Johns Hopkins neurologist who oversaw the study, told me in September.
“To me it was really amazing that one hour made that difference.”
Yet more:
Allen’s findings joined a few smaller studies on the phenomenon.
In 1996, researchers in Canada found the spring clock change “resulted in an average increase in traffic accidents [not deaths] of approximately 8 percent.”
It’s Allen’s view that his findings show that, there are many Americans who are on the margin of poor sleep.
Daylight saving time change pushes them over the edge, and creates a body-wide stress.
And, it seems, it’s not just car accidents.
Since Allen’s study, evidence has mounted of an increase in incidence of workplace injuries and heart attacks in the days after we spring forward.
Ironic, DST wasn’t originally about farmers, but war. Germany first used the concept during WWI to save energy — the US, UK, and the rest followed suit. Reemerged during WWII.
The Uniform Time Act of 1966 set system aglow, later amended by Congress in 2005, as part of the Energy Policy Act, which declared that DST would last from March to November.
All pretty-much bullshit (per Tech Times, also this morning): ‘“The whole proposition that you can gain or lose an hour is at best theoretical. So I think from the start people had no clear idea what we were doing or why we were doing it. It just generates confusion, and confusion generates bad will,” Michael Downing, author of “Spring Forward: The Annual Madness of Daylight Saving Time,” said.’
Indeed, but the practice will continue forever…until we run out of time.