Rock and roll this Thursday afternoon — first time in awhile, an earthquake nearby.
And not a little blip on the screen either — according to the USGS, a 4.8 shaker just southeast of Eureka, occurring at 4:09.
So far, no aftershocks or any additional movement.
Earthquakes are frighting — I was sitting on the toilet!
(Illustration found here).
I’ll keep a watch-out, but not really anything you can do with those crazy sonofabitches…
Up-shake-Date: Now, a couple of hours later — the seismic event confirmed — read both Lost Coast Outpost and Redheaded Blackbelt for more info, and especially the yuuge amount of comments on the quake from all over the area. A goodly number it appeared felt the shaker should have been stronger, according to the jolt/jolts they encountered.
The quake was located 22.9 km deep (14.2 miles), so fairly down yonder.
A good, sharp snap was what I felt here in Mckinleyville (in the sitting position), but, if memory serves, seemingly a little flutter of a bump occurred just tiny-seconds before the hard jar — some commenters also reported a double knock-about off the quake.
Fortunately, no serious damage or other problems were noted.
Although I’ve been in California for more than 30 years, I’ve never really goten a handle on earthquakes. I grew up in Alabama/Florida and knew tornadoes, bad weather, even some hurricanes, but earthquakes are in a different category — creates in an instant,100-percent pure-fright.