Racism And Lying — Together As Always

September 16, 2024

Giant, white-fluffy clouds with expansive gaps of clear-blue skies allow a shitload of bright sunshine this late-afternoon Monday here in California’s Central Valley — temps in a mild mid-70s range as our early-fall weather continues its run.
After a summer considered the hottest ever for the state (and maybe the world), a joyous relief.

News events persist in bouncing off one another as T-Rump’s assassination attempt yesterday floats atop a shitload of other related/un-related bits of happenings — the shooter supposedly waited 10-to-12 hours for the T-Rump to appear on his golf course, though, him playing was unscheduled. I wonder WTF! — and included is the piles and piles and piles of lies T-Rump, his sweaty asshole running mate, JD Vance, Republicans of all makes and sizes, and anyone else cruising outside the bounds of decency.
Although Joe Biden talked with the T-Rump about the incident in a supposedly “cordial conversation” this morning, T-Rump still blamed Joe and Kamala Harris for the assassination attempt and for telling America T-Rump was a lying asshole, and taking “politics in our Country to a whole new level of Hatred.”
Republicans have a way of instigating humongous projection upon themselves whenever they open their freaking-fucking mouths.

Still boiling in the news mix is the racist Haitian immigration lies in Springfield, Ohio, slobbered forth by T-Rump and JDV, and the terror is reaching asshole preportions — two elementary schools were evacuated Monday morning in response to bomb threats, the fifth and sixth city structures to be so targeted in the last week.
All of it bullshit, lies of Haitian eating dogs/cats/geese whatever, and JDV even in dumb-ass fashion addimted it yesterday in an interview by CNN‘s Dana Bash (via The New Republic):

“Nobody is disputing that the town of Springfield, Ohio, needs help. But, you’re not just a bystander,” Bash said. “You’re the senator from Ohio, so instead of saying things that are wrong, and actually causing the hospitals, the schools, the government buildings to be evacuated because of bomb threats, because of the cats and dogs thing, why not actually be constructive, in helping to better integrate them into the community? Because there are a lot of employers there who say that the Haitians workers are helping fill jobs that they need desperately filled.”

Rather than take any ownership of his role in spreading false claims and incendiary rhetoric, Vance recoiled, saying that any suggestion that he’d been responsible for inciting the bomb threats in Springfield was “disgusting.” The Ohio senator scolded Bash for sounding like a “Democratic propagandist” as she called him out on his reckless lying

Seconds later:

If I have to create stories so that the American media actually pays attention to the suffering of the American people, then that’s what I’m going to do, Dana,” Vance said, before trying to pivot to complain about Harris’s preferential treatment in the media and her public policy.

“You just said that you’re ‘creating’ a story,” Bash said. Vance fell silent for a moment.

“You just said that this is a story that you created,” Bash said.

“Yes!” Vance replied, not getting it.

“So the eating dogs and cats thing …” Bash asked.

“We are creat—we are creating … Dana,” Vance said firmly, obviously frustrated. “It comes from firsthand accounts from my constituents. I say that we’re ‘creating a story’ meaning we’re creating the American media focusing on it.”

Shit fire! Except, will anyone be swayed at the ballot box?

Racism runs deep:

Excellent take by Scott Lemieux at Lawyers,Guns&Money this afternoon: ‘Note too that the context makes it worse. When Lowry dropped the n-word he was in the midst of doing the “libs say Vance was lying when he said Haitians were stealing and eating cats and dogs, but two people were accused of taking geese from ponds” shell game, which is intelligence-insulting bullshit in the service of defending JD Vance’s racist demoguagery and incitement. The slur fits in perfectly; it’s essentially redundant. It’s what the Republican Party, including its nominally “respectable” elements, is in 2024. And it’s certainly consistent with his magazine’s traditions.

A good counter to all this shit is history — MAGA haters are pulling from ages ago (a most excellent piece from yesterday at Vox on the history of America’s anti-Haitian racist shit.
Noted point: ‘“Racism and xenophobia against Haitians among white Americans can be traced all the way back to the Haitian Revolution when Haitians … [overthrew] the system of slavery and [established] the world’s first Black republic,” Carl Lindskoog, the author of a book on the US’s detention of Haitian immigrants, told Vox. “Since then, Haitians have been seen by many white Americans as a threat to white rule and have been treated as such.”
Read the whole piece, really, really infuriating, and the T-Rump is pulling out all the stops.

He’s been a full-bloated racist since forever.

And why can’t we understand our past? And be saddened by it enough to make amends:

Fuck no! Nasty, immoral, and cruel, or not, yet once again here we are…

(Image out front by illustrator and portrait painter, Tim O’Brien, and can be found here.)

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