Band-Aid the Bitch
July 2, 2012In the wake of the health care dust-up last week, the bat-shit crazy side of US politics won’t let it rest, and in doing so, truly revealed just how nasty and mean-spirited their hearts. This…
In the wake of the health care dust-up last week, the bat-shit crazy side of US politics won’t let it rest, and in doing so, truly revealed just how nasty and mean-spirited their hearts. This…
As a single parent who raised five kids on a below-par income, there was never wasted food amongst us, and after each meal, not much left-over either. And shit never went bad in the fridge,…
In the wake of yesterday’s surprise of surprises on the Supremes upholding the Affordable Care Act, a lot of people went slightly mad, most of the them from the right side of the nut bowl,…
As we await this morning the results of the nasty legal thoughts of the US Supreme assholes on the Affordable Care Act — a la ‘Obamacare’ — political verbiage is getting out of whack. Plain…
Amongst all the bad news pouring out of so many different sources, sometimes it’s hard to be shocked by shit, but yesterday, the announcement of the death of Nora Ephron was like a slap to the…
In a time when time waits for no sonofabitch, our climate is shifting right in front of our eyes and noses. Only ignorance or delusion could keep anyone from becoming fairly alarmed at the state…
While my old stomping grounds along the Florida panhandle this morning are being banged about by stalled tropical storm Debby, and other parts of the country are fighting crazed forest fires or being jolted awake…
Nearly five-and-a-half years ago, Harvard energy and climate expert John Holdren, also president of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, warned the planet about climate change: “We basically have three choices: mitigation, adaptation and…
Glitch: A minor malfunction, mishap, or technical problem; a snag: a computer glitch. This site went white the last couple of days due to a odd malfunction in what’s called a ‘plugin,’ and the personal…
In keeping with the continuing tradition of the Great Recession: Ratings agency Moody’s downgraded 15 of the world’s biggest banks on Thursday, lowering credit ratings by one to three notches to reflect the risk of…