Decelerating Gas
June 25, 2012While my old stomping grounds along the Florida panhandle this morning are being banged about by stalled tropical storm Debby, and other parts of the country are fighting crazed forest fires or being jolted awake…
While my old stomping grounds along the Florida panhandle this morning are being banged about by stalled tropical storm Debby, and other parts of the country are fighting crazed forest fires or being jolted awake…
In thinking of the past, more of the structured remembrance seems in reality an illusion — all the hype of those glorious, hey-days of the 1950s and 60s, when energy was so obviously abundant all-electric…
Prices at the gas pump have taken the way-backseat in the old news cycle lately, but WTF — in the face of actual face eating, Chinese body parts mailed to all over by a Canadian…
Last week, a regular customer and I got into a short discussion during check-out on the subject of college debt — she told me she was having trouble paying off just $4,000 in loan obligations.…
“They don’t want people who are smart enough to sit around the kitchen table and figure out how badly they’re getting fucked by a system that threw them overboard 30 fucking years ago.” — George…
Iran not unplugged: Oil prices on Friday briefly spiked to the highest level in three weeks following a report that Iranian oil exports dropped significantly this month. … Benchmark U.S. crude rose by $1.52 to…
Yesterday I felt the first personal shock at the fuel pump when I put another $20 worth of gas in my Jeep Comanche — the gauge screaming now at $4.49 a gallon for regular. Whoa!…
Last week, when Mitt Romney blubbered, “I’m not concerned about the very poor,” he later waddled back, claiming he “mispoke.” In reality, the Mitt told the truth — if one has money, who gives a…
After a visit to the laundromat this morning, I put another $20 worth of gas in the old, problem-plagued Jeep, wincing (both the Jeep and I) at a pump price of $3.99 a gallon for…
(Illustration found here). In the US today, apparently all collective eyes were glued to South Carolina where intelligence-deficit Republicans held their primary to select from among a short-list of bullshitters a warm body to run…