El Niño Hail
December 10, 2015Thunderstorms, and a rare sighting for me anyway, lightning, although the thunder-part can be often heard. And sparked not too far away, either, judging by the time interval between the two parts. This morning, too,…
Thunderstorms, and a rare sighting for me anyway, lightning, although the thunder-part can be often heard. And sparked not too far away, either, judging by the time interval between the two parts. This morning, too,…
In a seemingly-short respite, sunshine this early Friday on California’s north coast as get a rest from the ‘conveyor-belt’ rainstorms that have rolled across our region since maybe forever — according to the NWS, another…
Storm-terrific this early Thursday on California’s north coast, with gusty winds and heavy rain, the season’s real opener. Just a short while ago, the wind eruptions were pretty-fierce, rattling the apartment’s woodwork, fluttering nearby tree…
Drizzling rain and chilly this Monday morning on California’s north coast — the storm was something of a surprise as all indications last week seemed to show the front wouldn’t move through until Wednesday. So…
Clear and cold this Wednesday morning on California’s north coast, and a first this season, at least for my area, frost seen on surrounding rooftops. Indian Summer is history. The chill factor prompted the NWS…
Rain and cold this late Tuesday afternoon on California’s north coast — after earlier appearing to be disappearing, our current storm system made a chilled, wet re-appearance a little while ago, popping moisture pellets off…
Overcast coupled with a moist ground fog this early Friday on California’s north coast, and we’re reportedly to be dry through the weekend, the next decent storm forecast for late Monday, maybe Tuesday morning and…
Clear and oddly warm this early Wednesday on California’s north coast. After some rainy/drizzly days, nice to experience a sharp, translucent morning unaccompanied by chilly temperatures — creates a somewhat amiable ambience to the air.…
World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Secretary-General Michel Jarraud in a press conference today (Scientific American): “However, this event is playing out in uncharted territory. Our planet has altered dramatically because of climate change, the general trend…
Rain this Sunday morning, followed by more rain, then sunshine for a few seconds, quickly-swallowed by darkness and a drenching. Strongest storm so far this year — pretty heavy-sounding during the night, stroked by a…