Cropper in the crapper

April 26, 2007

Not only has the horrific Iraq war turned into some kind of long-tentacled Orwellian nightmare, now comes word of another Army scandal, right on the heels of the Pat Tillman tale, and appears to be plotted by screenwriters of a cheesy, nasty little action movie.

According to the NBC News Website, the U.S Army has arrested Lt. Col. William H. Steele, commander of the huge military prison in Baghdad tagged with a very-much Dr. Strangelove-like name of Camp Cropper, on a list of charges, including letting an insurgent use a cell phone, getting into a “thing” with a female Iraqi interpreter and possession of pornography.

“Wild Bill” Steele has take this entire exercise in horror to even lower depths, if that were possible. Possession of pornography is a new one, albeit, it does bring into mind the prison pix – attack dogs, naked guys and husky dikes – but it seems Camp Cropper was getting a bit like the old “F Troop” TV series, but a lot more nasty, violent, cruel, ironic and just plain mean-spirited. ‘Wild Bill’ had a thing, and according to the Army, had been having a thing for more than 18 months. One big pile of nasty videos that.

Another day, another tale.

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