Category Archives: music

‘Destination’ 9: ‘We Beat The Odds Together’

August 7, 2021

Counterpunch to the gosh-awful, bullshit news currently infecting our airwaves, another episode this Saturday of my musical ‘Destination‘ series (last one here), where unusual tunes of personal value create a seemingly alternative auditory diagram to…

Climate Change And ‘Stayin’ Alive’

July 16, 2021

Genius in rhythm and time — saw this earlier today at Miss Cellania‘s and it’s one of those can’t-look-away thingies: Now, guaranteed to bring you right back down — weather-impacts off climate change are being…

‘Destination’ 6: Never Too Late To Scream, ‘What’s Going On?’

May 15, 2021

Another chapter in the ‘Destination‘ series (last one here), and a look backwards to reflect in some small way what we’re experiencing today. Our current era is more-weirder than yesterday’s, though, sadly there’s still the…