Afghan Again

July 11, 2009

Last fall, I read Frederick Forsyth’s The Afghan, which contains a view of the riot/battle at Qala-i-Jangi fort in November, 2001, exposing the US public to a view of some ferocious insurgency fighting in those panic/dream-days just after 9/11.

A work of fiction, but Forsyth’s novel has more truth in it than what the US government now seeks in Afghanistan — don’t investigate a war crime when the perpetrator is an ally and the victims nothing more than non-human al-Qaeda/Taliban prisoners.

afghans jail President Obama’s view is that the US didn’t have anything to do with the murder of at least 2,000 prisoners — suffocating them in sealed railroad boxcars — so no investigation is required or needed.

Another example of Obama following George Jr.’s Afghan war plans.

(Illustration found here).

According to NPR this morning:

Asked about the report, Marine Corps Col. David Lapan, a Pentagon spokesman, said that since U.S. military forces were not involved in the killings, there is nothing the Defense Department could investigate.
“There is no indication that U.S. military forces were there, or involved, or had any knowledge of this,” Lapan said.
“So there was not a full investigation conducted because there was no evidence that there was anything from a DoD (Department of Defense) perspective to investigate.”

However, the New York Times reported Friday the Bush adminstation knew about the incident, and despite calls from the F.B.I., the State Department, the Red Cross and human rights groups for an inquiry, tried to cover it up and over:

“At the White House, nobody said no to an investigation, but nobody ever said yes, either,” said Pierre Prosper, the former American ambassador for war crimes issues. “The first reaction of everybody there was, ‘Oh, this is a sensitive issue; this is a touchy issue politically.’ ”

The chief problem is Gen. Abdul Rashid Dostum (also known as Heavy D, D-Diddy), who was on the payroll of the C.I.A. and his militia worked closely with US Special Forces in 2001, and is currently Afghan President Hamid Karzai’s army chief of staff.
Dostum is a blood-thirsty asshole, and was the head-asshole who ordered the massacre of the prisoners in 2001.
Even Forsyth paints him a blood-thirsty asshole.
Read some background on the bastard here.

Last year, McClatchy newspapers reported mass-grave removals from a burial site in northern Afghanistan, a site in a series of sites that November seven years ago that led to the pitched-battle at Qala-i-Jangi, and eventually the ousting of the Taliban.
The UN has been investigating the bulldozer exhumations as damaging the scene of a possible war crime — the slaughter of about 2,000 Taliban and al-Qaeda fighters held in boxcars shortly after their surrender near Kunduz in northern Afghanistan
McClatchy also reported no one has been even guarding the grave site, now more than a year after the bodies were dug up.

Nasty business, this lie of war-life of the Afghans.

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