Legal Score — Or Regret

August 9, 2016

Toker TVSunshine, clear skies and a brisk ocean breeze this Tuesday afternoon on California’s north coast — though a bit windy, still most gorgeous.
Reportedly near 70-degrees here, but still cooler inland — Willow Creek only at 85 right now after triple-digits for weeks.

In the region of marijuana and legality, there’s no reason for a particular pot farm raid this morning — from Lost Coast Outpost a little while ago, reporting the site  ‘…was a commercial cannabis operation that was coming into compliance with the county’s permitting rules, and which had filed all the paperwork that would normally make such an operation immune to an enforcement action of this kind.’

And beyond asshole — the DEA seems to be stalling in reclassifying cannabis from a Schedule 1 platform (with heroin, meth, etc) to a more ‘normal‘ level.

(Illustration: ‘Cannabis and Politics,’ by Denis Marsili, found here).

The change was supposed to be within “the first half of 2016.”
Yeah, right.
And the more-normal is how pot is viewed today.
From the new Gallup poll, released Monday:

Thirteen percent of U.S. adults tell Gallup they currently smoke marijuana, nearly double the percentage who reported smoking marijuana only three years ago.

More broadly, 43 percent of Americans say they have ever tried marijuana, similar to the 44 percent recorded last year and up slightly from 38 percent in 2013.
The percentage of Americans who say they have tried the drug has slowly increased from 4 percent in 1969.

And research into ‘scoring’ between alcohol and marijuana — life is better stoned…
Via The Influence last Friday:

In a recent study published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior, researchers compared the effects that alcohol and marijuana have on sexual encounters, as self-reported by study participants.
Some of the “findings” are head-smackingly obvious, gussied up in fancy words.
For example, can you believe that “alcohol was commonly associated with social outgoingness,” or that its “use facilitated connections with potential sexual partners”?
Some of the results, though, are interesting—like the finding that drunk sex is more likely than high sex to be associated with post-coital regret.

“Since smoking marijuana recreationally is illegal in most states and smoking it tends to produce a strong odor,” noted Dr. Palamar, “it usually has to be used in a private setting. Some individuals utilize such private or intimate situations to facilitate sexual encounters.”

And away we go…

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