In Reality Time Climate Change Makes ‘Mother Nature’ Meaner

November 2, 2021

In an attempt this late-afternoon Tuesday to stay away from news on the Virginia governor’s race (too anxiety-like depressing), and the sad shenanigans in DC (Asshole Joe Manchin being an asshole, also down-deep depressing) as Joe Biden’s agenda and America’s future goes kaput, and latched onto some new shit on another depressing subject — climate change.
Just in time, too, for Biden in a speech yesterday attempted solidarity at the COP26 by first voicing regret: ‘“I guess I shouldn’t apologize, but I do apologize for the fact that the United States, in the last administration, pulled out of the Paris Accord and put us sort of behind the eight ball.”

The T-Rump influence on an already insane and vile Republican party:

Well, if Steve can’t see it, maybe if he gets too close it will burn his ignorant ass.
In an impact on Mother Nature, warmer temperatures are playing havoc on all kinds of shit, and in a new study, once again bad climate shit is happening faster than first figured — a long-running preface for climate studies/research.
And in this case, a point close to home here in California’s Central Valley and all the forests roundabout, and weeds and all kinds of dry fuel for wildfires, and drought — shit made worse by climate change.
Via the Los Angles Times yesterday afternoon:

In a finding that scientists believed was still decades away from becoming reality, California researchers say that climate change is now the overwhelming cause of conditions driving extreme wildfire behavior in the western United States.

As world leaders gathered in Scotland this week to discuss plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, a study released on Monday said that global warming was essentially two-thirds to 88% responsible for the atmospheric conditions fueling increasingly destructive wildfires.

And that’s a conservative estimate, said study author Rong Fu, a climate researcher at UCLA.

“It’s happened so much faster than we previously anticipated,” she added.

Previous studies have found the atmosphere in the western U.S. has grown thirstier over the last 40 years.
Experts have theorized that is due to natural fluctuations in the weather and because carbon dioxide emissions have caused the planet to warm, and warmer air can hold more moisture.

“Prior to 2000, we can explain this fire weather pretty well just using the weather patterns,” Fu said. “But now we can only explain like 30-percent of what we see with the fire weather.”

The vast-majority reason for all these out-of-control wildfires is climate change. And all indications are the scenario will get worse, and bad shit will get here faster and harder than ‘previously anticipated.’

And how about another aspect of climate change, say like, kidney disease? From EurekaAlert this past Sunday:

Today the world’s largest study of the impact of temperature changes and kidney disease reveals that 7.4 per cent of all hospitalisations for renal disease can be attributed to an increase in temperature. In Brazil — where the study was focused — this equated to more than 202,000 cases of kidney disease from 2000-2015.

And, of course, seemingly limpid, but obvious words for the situation:

In the paper the authors — who are also from the University of Sao Paulo — argue that the study “provides robust evidence that more policies should be developed to prevent heat-related hospitalisations and mitigate climate change.”

“In the context of global warming, more strategies and policies should be developed to prevent heat-related hospitalizations.”

Just wait! We’ll go through a black-and-white existence to one of flaming Technicolor — no worries:

Anyway, once again, here we are…

(Illustration out front: ‘A Break in Reality,’ by Xetobyte, found here).

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