Back! Open Drawers On Sight

November 17, 2023

Back in the saddle again! Or onto the laptop again, whichever works!

This is my first post after my cataract eye surgery last week at the Fresno VA Medical Center and from all early indications the procedure on my right eye turned out really good. with the examination the day after surgery showed A-Okay to keep the sight soaring in anticipation.
And too, the doctors, nurses, and medical people at the VA were wonderful — as always when I’ve had any encounters with the VA medical system — with a clean bill of working health. I’m scheduled for a follow-up exam early next month and then we’ll see if the op was as good as the early results show. We’ll know from there if a similar op is due for my left eye, maybe to be scheduled for after the first of the new year. However, there’s an excellent chance I won’t need that second surgery, depending on how my overall sight has been enhanced. Plus as an incentive, my eyesight seems to have improved in the week since the operation.


It was a same-day procedure as I was in and out of the hospital in a couple of hours or so. And as I said, a good time was had by all.

In the meanwhile, the current events of asshole-terrible people, places, and things still keep hitting the news fan full steam, nothing’s changed there at all. Despite a one-eyed sightline, the news views roll-off time quick-as-shit as always, a situation never changing — most likely just getting worse
Although there’s bad news across the board, with better vision there’s always hope.

And good to be back in that fine-fitted saddle — with a touch of nostalgic humor:

Back online, or not, yet here we are once again…

(Illustration out front: Salvador Dalí’s “The Burning Giraffe” [1937], oil on panel, and found here.)

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