Nauseous, Vile T-Rump — Same Old, Same Old

August 14, 2024

A warm comfortable ambiance this late-afternoon Wednesday here in California’s Central Valley — pleasant enough outside again today and we’re forecast for the same for at least the next 10 days or so.
Livable weatherwise right now, but how about the rest of life?

Depends on how crazy the T-Rump becomes in the next few hours, days, and weeks. He’s obviously losing his shit over Kamala Harris and apparently, there’s really nothing he actually can do about it. He blubbers his way through some awful, awful interviews, press conferences, and rallies without any sense of control or intent, and creates a deeper hole for himself.
Today, for instance, he performed like a savage dump of vicious, lying shit in his pants again — first after early voting in Florida:

Meanwhile this afternoon at a rally in Asheville, NC, T-Rump played the same shitty tune — in what was to be a supposedly major economic speech, too. Instead (from the Guardian‘s live blog):

But Donald Trump struggled to stay focused on topic during his speech, and continuously veered off message to air grievances against Kamala Harris and inflammatory attacks on undocumented people.

Here are some of the things Trump said at the rally:

  • Trump said that his advisers had wanted him to focus on economic concerns, but he said he was “not sure” he agreed that the economy is the most important issue of the election.
  • Trump accused Harris of being “not smart” and of having “the laugh of a crazy person”.
  • Trump said he would slash energy and electricity prices “by half”, but added: “If it doesn’t work out, you’ll say, ‘Oh well, I voted for him. I still got it down a lot.’”
  • Trump said he would open up federal lands to drilling and ease the permitting process for pipelines.
  • Trump appeared to dramatically escalate his calls for imposing tariffs on all US trading partners, suggesting import duties of up to 20%.
  • Trump invited on stage Scott Bessent, the Wall Street investor seen as a possible contender to be treasury secretary in a second Trump White House.

Trump claimed that his interview with Elon Musk was “one of the most successful shows ever done.

Pretty well sums up another T-Rump shitstorm. I can’t stomach the guy for very long — only watch clips of his appearances and really don’t like seeing his shitty face after a second or third glance. He really, really sucks.
Further on the North Carolina rally via The Daily Beast later this afternoon:

“They’re taking their criminals and their people from mental institutions, and they’re putting them into our country because we have stupid people like Kamala and Joe running our country,” Trump told supporters at a rally in Asheville, North Carolina.

Calling Harris “far more liberal than crazy Bernie Sanders,” Trump portrayed himself as smarter, more authentic and mentally stable than his opponent, who he accused Democrats of hiding.

“What happened to her laugh?” he said. “I haven’t heard that laugh in about a week.”

“That’s the laugh of a crazy person, I will tell you,” he continued. “They told her, ‘Don’t laugh, don’t laugh,’ No, her laugh is career-threatening.”

At times, he did manage to steer his attacks back to the economy. Flanked by the new slogan, “No Tax on Tips,” he suggested that Harris would try to steal his proposals when she outlines her economic vision in North Carolina on Friday.

“When Kamala lays out her fake economic plan this week—probably will be a copy of my plan, because basically that’s what she does,” he said.

But he often returned to personal obsessions, like how beautiful she looked on TIME’s recent cover. “They don’t use her picture, they don’t use her picture, they use an artist sketch,” the former president said. “I want to use that artist. I want to find that artist. I like him very much.”

Pure asshole, creepy lunacy.

And frightful flip-flopping:

Yeah, right.

One would hope this reaction, but it’s hard to grasp MAGA T-Rumpers don’t really care if he hates them:

Unreal in reality, or not, yet here we are once again…

Image out front is my favorite of the T-Rump mugs, though, ‘favorite‘ does not mean in any form or fashion, as in, ‘my favorite movie,’ or ‘my favorite song.’ It’s more of an anti-appreciation/like.

And aptly titled, ‘Basic Shapes,‘ by caricaturist/illustrator Chong Jit Leong (and found here), it’s an image that displays the elemental form of a purloined sociopath — a bloated profile of flatulent bile and arrogant ignorance.

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