Nightmare Neurosis

March 15, 2025

In this historical period we call the nowadays, there’s so much shit going on it’s hard to keep up, except the notion a goodly portion of all this event-extreta, is out in the open, obvious to any half-assed sane person. The T-Rump armed with the Muskrat, is gutting life as we used to know it, and the rapidly-unfolding scenario is fairly conspicuous.
Yet although in plain sight, nothing is being talked-up much in the media about the reality of what’s really taking place, the lies, illegal, unconstituional shit and the apparent mental degeneration of the T-Rump. If you pay attention at all to the Orange Turd lately, one understand’s immoral, unethical words/actions made worse by dementia.

One of the most-astouding-surreal items of our above-mentioned ‘nowadays‘ is the reality that people voted for that terrifying piece-of-shit maybe three times already, despite the obnoxiously-obvious reality of him being a nasty, mean-spirited asshole, along with living as a “fucking moron” — a geo-political wonder of the age. Crazy! And a strange, really horrifying right-wing/Republican/GOP (whatever) cult of dark following whatever lies the T-Rump spews forth. In real-time, you’re either really stupid-ignorant, or scared.

Anyway, what keyed this topic came from longtime political/strategist Steve Schmidt in a post this morning at his Substack, The Warning — a look at the media’s lack of attention on the T-Rump’s diminishing gray matter. Some snips (h/t Raw Story):

Donald Trump did two things on Friday.

First, he petted and scratched Chuck Schumer’s head and extended his small Trump paw for licking:

Next, he went to the Justice Department, and pissed all over the rule of law with fevered declarations about revenge, conspiracies, locking up his opponents, and the illegal media that are a threat to America because they don’t worship the king.

What is the sin of America’s broken media?

What is the failure?

It’s simple.

Over a 20-year basis, the American political media working for news organizations increasingly controlled by giant syndicates was unable to deduce who did and did not believe in the United States of America as a continuous project founded on ideas that were the rock — or were supposed to be.

It is broader than the media


Something terrible is happening in America, and there are too many anesthesiologists working in media and politics.

Shhhhh!!!! Don’t worry!

Have you heard that before?

Donald Trump’s presidency is already in a state of collapse and crisis.

His incoherence, lack of discipline, focus, basic competence and connection to the grassroots can be excused by his winged monkeys like Laura Ingraham on Fox News. She said this week that Donald Trump is “good for business,” and to “ignore” the market uncertainty:

Go read the whole post; most interesting. Not all that familiar with Schmidt, other than allowing Sarah Palin to enter the scene while working for John McCain in 2008. Palin did, however, perform a terrible forerunner display to the T-Rump — dumb-as-shit, and mean-spirited. Palin and Schmidt later had a falling out, and he later went Dem on the GOP.
Via Wikipedia: ‘In June 2018, he tweeted: “the Republican Party … is fully the party of Trump. It is corrupt, indecent and immoral. With the exception of a few Governors like Baker, Hogan and Kasich it is filled with feckless cowards who disgrace and dishonor the legacies of the party’s greatest leaders … Today the GOP has become a danger to our democracy and our values.”

Life is in uncharted waters.

Lying life full of lies:

Old-man crazy or not, yet once again here we are …

(Illustration out front: Salvador Dalí’s “The Burning Giraffe” [1937], oil on panel, and found here.)

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