Bright sunshine again this early Friday on California’s north coast as we get more-warm than usual for the next few days.
Weather-wise — as T-Rump continues fostering love on Mother-Russia, President Obama last week tried to focus on the real horror for all of humanity: ‘“What makes climate change difficult is that it is not an instantaneous catastrophic event. It’s a slow-moving issue that, on a day-to-day basis, people don’t experience and don’t see…My top science adviser, John Holdren, periodically will issue some chart or report or graph in the morning meetings, and they’re terrifying.”‘
The drastic altering of our environment is by far the biggest thing/event facing the planet — this past summer put the US northeast at its hottest ever.
And presented a preview of the immediate future…
(Illustration found here).
Despite all the shit tossed around during this insane election year, not much about climate change. T-Rump don’t know, and don’t give a shit, and the media pack follows suit.
The indicator is in the air — Dr.Jeff Masters yesterday at WunderBlog: ‘Even more impressive, this past summer (June through August) saw the highest average minimum temperature on record–certainly no surprise to people across the country who endured one muggy night after another. The average daily minimum for June through August 2016 was a balmy 60.81°F, beating the record of 60.70°F set in 2010.’
Hidden in the heat is a pack of awful shit. Climate change effects beyond the obvious — weather/heat altering lives as we react to getting hot-wired.
Via Bloomberg yesterday:
It takes a lot of scientists, however, to reveal how climate affects us — particularly as our climate changes.
Sure, there’s prolonged heat and drought in some places, persistent floods and storms in others—all the ways we’ve learned to see global warming (though some still reject the science).
But an exhaustive review of almost 200 different studies reveals not only the extent of those predictable changes but also how we humans are reacting to climatic wallops.
The results are troubling.
This new super study, published Thursday in the journal Science, shows that scientists have become extremely clever at drawing conclusions by combining data they have with novel statistical approaches.
Some key findings:
— Higher temperatures affect human sexual behavior, the researchers found.
Birth rates drop nine months after heat spells, bouncing back reliably nine months after the heat breaks.
In this case, the adaptation is a delay, rather than a decline, in regular patterns.
— The researcher contends that, if the same pattern holds, by the end of the century there will be an additional 22,000 murders, 180,000 cases of rape, 1.2 million aggravated assaults, 2.3 million simple assaults, 260,000 robberies, 1.3 million burglaries, 2.2 million cases of larceny, and 580,000 cases of vehicle theft.
— It’s not a flight of fancy: Children’s math test performance drops as temperatures rise, making the question of which classrooms have air conditioning an issue not only of comfort but also of academic performance.
— Climate change currently retards potential economic growth by about 0.25 percent a year, every year.
Future warming may bring an additional 0.28 percent slowdown annually.
Different national economic responses to rising temperatures document the same pattern: “If someone asked me which keeps me awake at night,” Hsiang said, “that’s the thing.”
Furthermore (via this morning) from Hsiang, chancellor’s associate professor of public policy: ‘“So much attention is focused on the future effects of climate change that hardships imposed by the climate today, which are often just as large, are ignored. If we solve these problems today, we’ll benefit everyone, both in this generation and the next.
“People get so used to hot days, since they happen all the time, that they never stop to consider what those days are costing them. But if people use different technologies or organize their lives differently to adapt to their climate, then we might be able to do dramatically better.”‘
And on we go…