Nice way to start a day in this doomscrolling era — way-funny and sweet (h/t Miss Cellania):
And the reaction from the security guy is priceless, makes the scene not only comedic but touching — cutline via Miss Cellania:
Coming home from the Olympics, Kelsey Mitchell walked through an airport security metal detector, and the alarm went off. Oh dear, what could have caused that? Mitchell wordlessly fessed up once she had everyone’s attention — it was her gold medal! She won Canada’s seventh and final gold medal, in women’s track sprint, a cycling event. Her video has since gone viral for its cheekiness. (via Bits and Pieces)
And moving on — how funny/sweet will my next post be? I asked not anyone…
(Illustration out front: Pablo Picasso’s ‘Les Deux Saltimbanques: l’Arlequin et Sa Compagne,’ found here).