Gun Up!
July 16, 2015Lock ’em, and load ’em! Or whatever. Now nearly a month since the South Carolina church massacre, and seemingly a dry-spell of mass-gun-killings — yet not. Weird shit this mass killing narrative, and today the…
Lock ’em, and load ’em! Or whatever. Now nearly a month since the South Carolina church massacre, and seemingly a dry-spell of mass-gun-killings — yet not. Weird shit this mass killing narrative, and today the…
Angela Merkel and the coldness of the touch. Via Germany’s international broadcaster, Deutsche Welle: Nearly a minute passed until Merkel saw that Reem was crying and approached her saying: “You did that very well,” while…
Bright sunshine and a warm-wispy wind this Thursday afternoon on California’s north coast — the ideal summer day, most-likely about the best it gets. Supposedly about 77-degrees right now, with the interior reading 20-degrees hotter,…
Water liability in the land of the dry — not-so-novel concept to control water use amongst the citizenry. From the Guardian this morning: The 19 people gathered at the community centre in Santa Cruz, a…
Fog-damp and gray this early Wednesday on California’s north coast, another heavy marine layer hamming-up the environment — although yesterday morning looked like right now, the afternoon turned out pretty sweet, with bright sunshine and…
Thick, gray light this early Tuesday on California’s north coast — a heavy, wet fog layer is blanketing the area, and although there’s supposedly a warming trend for the end of the week, not much…
Sunshine peeks through the clouds this Monday morning, breaking the depressing fog-laced gloom of the last few weeks — yesterday’s sunrise actually had some shine to it, and Sunday afternoon was the best little weather…
A thick, gloomy marine fog holds gray-hostage our environment this Friday afternoon on California’s north coast — clouds to the east appear heavy with rain, but apparently it just looks that way — just heavy…
Overcast and thickly-gloomy this Thursday mid-day on California’s north coast — we could be having some thunderstorms maybe this afternoon, coming off the rainy weather bubbling eastward in the mountain valleys, as the skies look…
Thick, gray-overcast this early Wednesday on California’s north coast, and a damp feeling in the air, too. The NWS is forecasting some ‘heavy rain‘ eastward over in Trinity County today, complimented with a flash-flood watch…