Anger is bad for the digestive system
August 29, 2012I hate yelling obscenities at inanimate objects — makes me feel more of an idiot than usual –Â so I’m staying away from watching the RNC on TV, plus the whole event makes me way-more…
I hate yelling obscenities at inanimate objects — makes me feel more of an idiot than usual –Â so I’m staying away from watching the RNC on TV, plus the whole event makes me way-more…
Nothing more than nauseating — the opening live round of the RNC in Tampa is enough to make any historical sane person blow huge, bulbus chunks. After trying to watch live feed from CBS and…
As Hurricane Isaac bears down on New Orleans, Republicans are still scurrying about like little kids caught with their collective hands in the cookie jar. All in the words: The word ‘climate,’ in fact, appears…
Overcast and quiet this early Monday on California’s north coast, not so on the other side of the country where Hurricane Isaac is plowing through the Gulf of Mexico. In its wake, the GOP has…
(Illustration found here). Yesterday morning, a more-than-unhappy guy shot another guy in the face with a .45, then moments later, proceeded to get into a one-sided fire fight with police, getting himself killed while nine…
Crystal clear skies this early Friday morning along California’s northern coast, and near-cold, too. Odd to see stars way up high in the dark. Although the fog will most-likely roll in before sunrise — about…
Once again, early morning here on California’s northern coast and another quiet beginning to the day — not much sunshine lately, except for some rays spattering across the landscape in the middle of the afternoons.…
(Illustration found here). Even out into the middle of the week, the shitstorm off Todd Akin’s revelation on Sunday of a female’s ability to ward off unwanted sperm still plays hard and heavy in the…
Urban Word of the Day: “derp“ A simple, undefined reply when an ignorant comment or action is made. Brought to life in the South Park series, when Mr. Derp made a guest appearance at South…
Another Monday, folks! Up here along the northern California coast another foggy and chilly early morning with the good possibility of maybe some sunshine later on the day — weather here is unpredictably predictable. Not…