Bubba’s Deflection
September 6, 2012Overcast and a bit windy this morning up here along California’s northern coast, but who’s to know how the day will be — not I. Yesterday, the fog didn’t burn off until mid-afternoon and the…
Overcast and a bit windy this morning up here along California’s northern coast, but who’s to know how the day will be — not I. Yesterday, the fog didn’t burn off until mid-afternoon and the…
Another fog-laded early morning here on California’s northern coast, but if the last few days are any indication, the mists will burn off at the approach of daylight and a most-beautiful day will emerge, ending…
Fairly-thick fog this morning up here on California’s northern coast, and quiet, too — thickness cushions noise. My perspective, though, is isolated as there’s plenty of pandemonium and nasty sounds beyond this spit of land…
Clear as a bell this morning on California’s northern coast, a bright moon lighting the western sky and the air so clean I can hear the sound of the Pacific washing ashore a couple miles…
End of the work week, and end to the this cycle’s version of the RNC — time for the crazy to go whack-o. Due to the storm created in my aging stomach lining, I didn’t…
Quiet and overcast this way-early Thursday here on California’s north coast, a dramatic contrast to wet, terrifying Hurricane Isaac as it storm surged landward off the Gulf of Mexico, creating tornado-offshoots in its wake. New…
I hate yelling obscenities at inanimate objects — makes me feel more of an idiot than usual –Â so I’m staying away from watching the RNC on TV, plus the whole event makes me way-more…
Nothing more than nauseating — the opening live round of the RNC in Tampa is enough to make any historical sane person blow huge, bulbus chunks. After trying to watch live feed from CBS and…
As Hurricane Isaac bears down on New Orleans, Republicans are still scurrying about like little kids caught with their collective hands in the cookie jar. All in the words: The word ‘climate,’ in fact, appears…
Overcast and quiet this early Monday on California’s north coast, not so on the other side of the country where Hurricane Isaac is plowing through the Gulf of Mexico. In its wake, the GOP has…