What? Me Ungratified?
January 9, 2012Graph of life-sized literary license this afternoon from The Big Picture: Despite nerdom for six decades, I’ve always been satisfied. So there, Mr. Cool Guy with shades.
Graph of life-sized literary license this afternoon from The Big Picture: Despite nerdom for six decades, I’ve always been satisfied. So there, Mr. Cool Guy with shades.
On occasion being ‘under the weather’ can cut some of life’s tangled problems loose as when one is sick, nothing else matters but being sick. So, I paid scant attention to the two neurotic GOP…
No, this morning it’s not about global warming — I’m sick, or feeling like I’m sick, or feeling/looking like shit, whichever applies when all else fails. Despite some good sleep, I awoke this morning still…
In some political breathing room before the New Hampshire primary next week, another chance to check out how the great oil wars are performing. Yesterday, I sloshed another $20 worth of gas into my old…
The horror of Iowa: No wobbling of that sort from Santorum — he’s an out-and-out denier. “There is no such thing as global warming,” he told a smiling Glenn Beck on Fox News in June…
Finally and officially, the 2012 political bullshit starts today. Republicans are gathered like hogs at the trough as the Iowa caucuses gather to select somebody to head the GOP into November, but there’s a long,…
As the new year grinds on, politics has taken the edge off the nearly unnoticed pullout of US troops from Iraq, ending a segment in one of the most-horrible of episodes. And the most lied…
Another usual first day event for the new year — from CNN: For the second year in a row, dozens of blackbirds died overnight Saturday in Beebe, Arkansas, apparently after being startled by New Year’s…
In case you didn’t know already, this is the last evening of 2011. And if you didn’t have your collective head up your collective ass, you know the past 12 months have been shitsville. “There…
The nastiest catfight right now is taking place in the frozen wastelands of Iowa — and it’s all bullshit and way-dumb. Top-of-the-hat, ‘fer instance — Newt Gingrich thinks Sara Palin rocks and would a most-excellent…