Bits-N-Pieces of Crazy
November 6, 2011Being sick is a total bitch — and I say that in a nice way for all you female dogs out there. My youngest daughter came down out of the mountains a week or so…
Being sick is a total bitch — and I say that in a nice way for all you female dogs out there. My youngest daughter came down out of the mountains a week or so…
Take heart everybody, the situation is actually worse than we think, so there’s no need to panic…yet. Yesterday, there were a couple of ‘monster‘ reports — one in climate science, the other in economics —…
Today is payday for our five employees at my liquor store and putting together the payroll is the main concern this morning — we’re a rarity as we pay weekly, not every couple of weeks…
Life ain’t so pretty no more. One Canadian’s view of nowadays: Future generations could find themselves dealing with serious catastrophes: the highly disruptive consequences of climate change; disruptions in the food chain due to ecological…
One of the scary parts of climate change — and there’s a shitload of scary parts — is the unknown, stuff beyond what the science can reveal, or even if some particular action actually does…
“The issue is not whether the Iraqi people will greet U.S. soldiers as their liberators, but what will they do six months after that. I find it naive and disingenuous to claim that you can…
“To say that we are closer to victory today is to believe, in the face of the evidence, the optimists who have been wrong in the past. “To suggest we are on the edge of…
One real scary moment for Halloween is the overcrowding mob on hand for the party — the UN claims the population of the earth will top 7 billion on Monday, embellishing a smorgasbord of dangerous…
In recent history, one has learned to not trust a lot of information from any US government agency with a hidden/or not-so-hidden agenda — recent example is the State Department’s okay of the horrendous Keystone…
Another anniversary this morning, and a sad day indeed for US peoples. Ten years ago today, George Jr. signed into law the infamous USA/Patriot Act, a move which revealed the end game for the great…