Plan C — Choke!
December 31, 2007In the aftermath of Benazir Bhutto’s killing, Decider George is still at a loss for action. What can he do about his old buddy and terror-fighter Pervez Musharraf? Apparently nothing. As the new year quickly…
In the aftermath of Benazir Bhutto’s killing, Decider George is still at a loss for action. What can he do about his old buddy and terror-fighter Pervez Musharraf? Apparently nothing. As the new year quickly…
As in the recent disclosures on Iran’s nuclear weapons program, Decider George has been lying out of his ass for a long time. Probably once he discovered Santa Claus was a lie, he understood the…
Frances Townsend, Decider George’s homeland security advisor/mouthpiece is quitting. And it’s the same old bullshit, the same old line. “I find it offensive and crippling. When both career people and political people are worried about…
On Wednesday Congess approved an additonal $70 billion for the horror in Iraq and Afghanistan, knocking the total up to $700 billion. “Using inflation-adjusted dollars the total cost of those wars has now surpassed the…
“I hope you can tell I’m an optimistic fellow. We’ve been through a lot over the last seven years, we really have. But I’m absolutely convinced this country is strong and vibrant.” — US President…
“I have these moments all steady and strong I’m feeling so holy and humble The next thing I know I’m all worried and weak And I feel myself starting to crumble The meanings get lost…
Deeply concerned about the prospect of failure in Afghanistan, the Bush administration and NATO have begun three top-to-bottom reviews of the entire mission, from security and counterterrorism to political consolidation and economic development, according to…
Although Decider George’s horrifying time as chief asshole still has another year to run, all evidence of the lies, the backstabbing and dirty-tricks will apparently end up as recycled bits of confetti: Federal spending on…
The president’s approval rating in the poll, conducted Dec. 6 through Sunday by Opinion Research Corporation, was 32 percent, tying his all-time low rating from June. Sixty-six percent disapproved of how Bush is handling his…
Hypocrisy in war is worse-case scenerio for horror. In this Decider George’s terrifying war on terror (root of the word, “war”: wers from Indo-European, “to confuse, mix up”) nothing says shit better than the old…