reality writing
November 10, 2012(Illustration found here). Writing, and actually, well beyond re-writing: In a letter to Ezra Pound, in January 1923, Hemingway wrote: “I suppose you heard about the loss of my Juvenalia? I went up to Paris…
(Illustration found here). Writing, and actually, well beyond re-writing: In a letter to Ezra Pound, in January 1923, Hemingway wrote: “I suppose you heard about the loss of my Juvenalia? I went up to Paris…
End of the work week again, another Friday to contemplate gushing-forth news events overshadowed by hyped-up weather shenanigans. In the final sprint to the finish, Mitt Romney has got shit-kick-me written all over him — yesterday…
(Illustration found here). In the horror images of Hurricane Sandy, one frozen moment might be the nexus of this year’s presidential race — President Obama and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie emoting with victims/survivors of…
Thick ground fog here this morning along California’s northern coast, but above the mist is clear skies and the dawn breaking from the east. Quiet here, but not so where that dawn’s first light originates…
Overcast and rainy this morning along California’s northern coast — and it’s been a keen-edge cold, too, giving rise to the winter a-coming just around the corner. Our wetness is just part the season’s first…
Just about everybody but Republicans know Mitt Romney lies out his ass — if he can’t come up with any kind of falsehood, he’s speechless. Eclectablog takes a look at Politifact‘s bullshit meter: For statements…
(Illustration found here). Last night at the Al Smith Memorial Dinner in New York, a big political-bullshit laugh-fest where the public-servant 1 percent pretends they’re human, Mitt Romney attempted some side-splitting humor: In discussing how…
Quiet and overcast this Friday morning along the peaceful Pacific’s northern California shore — the weekend is upon all of us, more so than others. Politics and this particular work-week has worn my tired ass…
(Illustration found here). Yesterday morning, a more-than-unhappy guy shot another guy in the face with a .45, then moments later, proceeded to get into a one-sided fire fight with police, getting himself killed while nine…
Deep fog this morning on California’s north coast — if the standard stays like the weekend, the sun will burn the moist off about noon-ish and produce a beautiful, clear-sunshine day. And what a weekend!…