Category Archives: climate change

Massive Methane Digits — Climate Change’s ‘Fire-Alarm Moment’

January 8, 2022

Foggy and damp this Saturday evening here in California’s Central Valley — weathering the weather has always been a part of life’s story, except nowadays there’s an endgame included and it’s shitty. And climate-changing that…

If Climate Change Is Not Properly/Correctly Addressed — Shortly-Eventually: ‘We’re All 100-Percent For Sure Gonna Fucking Die!’

December 29, 2021

Drizzling still this early-evening Wednesday here in California’s Central Valley, after a day full of deep-overcast skies and continuous threat of hard rain — reportedly, maybe some sunshine tomorrow before another storm slated for next…

Climate Change Rehearsal In Real Time

December 27, 2021

Wet and chilly this early-evening Monday here in California’s Central Valley as winter storms pound the state, dumping heavy rain on the flatlands and a shitload of snow in the mountains and foothills — major…

In Order To Handle Climate Change Impacts A New Approach To The Concept Of ‘Human Flourishing” Is Way-Overdue

December 25, 2021

Raining this late-afternoon Saturday here in California’s Central Valley, a wet holiday experienced by a lot of Americans today — rain and snow for a big chuck of the country, but in some parts are…

Snowless In The Mountains: Global Warming Imacts

December 18, 2021

Sunshine earlier this afternoon, and now a pleasant Saturday evening in California’s Central Valley, this another post tagging along with one earlier today on the ill business of climate change — Rod Serling strolling the…

Climate Change Induced Sea-Level Rise — Antarctica’s ‘Doomsday’ Glacier Melting Down And Could Be Gone In Less Than Five Years

December 18, 2021

(Illustration: ‘Antarctica,’ Esri/Antarctica REMA Explorer, and found at the BBC). In the press of daily activities, both in the ever-shitty news cycle and most-likey within each of our lives, the wondrous COP26 climate conference is…

Global Warming Reality-Science And A ‘Climate Policy Villain’

December 15, 2021

In the wake of political news, some climate change notes as we weather tornadoes, atmospheric rivers and other natural calamitous-phenomenon increasing in chaotic intensity as the world warms hotter and hotter. Another must-read climate feature…

Linking Climate Change To Some Weather Events Are Easier Than Others: ‘Making The Connection To Tornadoes Is The Hardest Of All’

December 11, 2021

Piggy-backing on the tornado story from earlier as the question of climate change enters the picture of wreckage as we see twisters of such extreme, and nearly-rare and unusually violent storms, that wrecked the mid-west…

Climate Change At Work Again In The Pacific Northwest: Efforts To Combat World Warming Need Bolstering — ‘A Lot Of Inaction That Gets Disguised As Flexibility, And We’re Past That Time’ And On A Short Road To Catastrophe

November 21, 2021

(Illustration found here). As weather events are more and more being closely tied to climate change and the short shadow from the just-completed COP26 (which was another climate-action cop-out) is still weighing heavily in the…