Stop-Loss Memory
March 20, 2013Reportedly, at a little after 4 AMÂ out here on California’s north coast, the sun will cross directly over the Earth’s equator during a moment known as the vernal equinox when both day and night are…
Reportedly, at a little after 4 AMÂ out here on California’s north coast, the sun will cross directly over the Earth’s equator during a moment known as the vernal equinox when both day and night are…
(Illustration found here). Ten years along and the recipients of “shock and awe” know it as a wide-awake nightmare — from the NY Times: At the pet market, Karrar Habeeb, a 22-year-old carpenter, paused, surprised…
“I think things have gotten so bad inside Iraq from the standpoint of the Iraqi people, my belief is we will, in fact, be greeted as liberators.” — Dick Cheney, ‘Meet The Press,’ March 16,…
Clear skies with stars twinkling this Tuesday morning along California’s north coast, and for some reason, the outside environment feels warmer than inside my apartment. Human skin and temperatures baffle the senses. Tonight is President Obama’s…
The tragic death of Aaron Swartz continues to make waves on the soft, sandy beaches of the InterWebs. Swartz was only 26 when he committed suicide a couple of weeks ago when an impending legal…
Foggy and way-warmer this early Thursday morning up here along California’s northern coast — no frost on the ground today! Yesterday, President Obama unveiled a massive gun-control agenda — and the shit hit the fan…
Clear and cold again on a early Wednesday along California’s northern coast and the news cycle this morning looks like it’s eating shit for breakfast. Gun-play at two schools yesterday, and this the continuing sad…
Another rainy early morning here on California’s northern coast — and wet is the word through the weekend. And speaking of weather, and guns: Apparently both too hot-slick to handle. Yesterday, as Joe Biden was…
Overcast and a bit on the warm side this morning along California’s northern coast, but that’s gotten to be fairly normal lately. A lot of shit has become ‘normal‘ most recently. President Obama nominated a…
Clear skies this early Sunday morning along California’s northern coast and the sun will soon pop up over the eastern mountains like thunder — although the forecast is for rain today, right now it’s gorgeous.…