News that Fits
August 20, 2013A bit on the chilly side this early Tuesday along California’s north coast, a change from what’s been happening weather-wise around here the last few weeks. Although the temperatures expected to be back in the…
A bit on the chilly side this early Tuesday along California’s north coast, a change from what’s been happening weather-wise around here the last few weeks. Although the temperatures expected to be back in the…
Life in the nowadays — dry-heat finds a spark. Especially west of the Mississippi, including even up here along California’s north coast — although living right on the Pacific Ocean with sea breezes does keep…
Here we are mid-week again, with fog and gloom this early Wednesday, but at least we’re on the gravitational pull to the weekend. Hard-hitting environmental report came out yesterday, but if anyone has been keeping…
Overcast and a bit on the chilly side this way-too-early Tuesday — a normal sort of morning for summertime up here along California’s north coast. There’s not much distinction between seasons — a day like…
As I get older, the writing process appears to be short-winded, and based on mood — creative juices just don’t percolate onto the page, or as in this modern era, onto the laptop screen as…
A bit foggy, but warm this early Thursday here on California’s north coast with the weekend now firmly in the sights — just a matter of hours. Beyond the crazed news cycle of more Weiner…
Fog and quiet this early Tuesday on California’s north coast as we travail through the week. At least the pressure is finally off — Kate had a son yesterday, so the whole world can freakin’…
Sad news now a couple of weeks old — one of the way-best data/info sites on the InterWebs will soon go ‘archive‘ only and a neat, educated voice in the ether will go quiet. The…
Bright and sunny this Saturday afternoon on California’s north coast, a brisk wind on the chilled side keeps the air a little crisp. Due to a lot of other more-glamorous news topics the last few…
Crystal-clear this Friday morning on California’s north coast, and if my apartment neighbor behind me hadn’t left his back patio light on, I most-likely could have seen a billion stars. Even with a half-moon shining…