Shaker Tsunami Maker
September 16, 2015In wake of a massive, 8.3 earthquake off the coast of central Chile this afternoon, the NOAA has placed California under a tsunami alert with most shoreline from Newport Beach in Orange County to Port San…
In wake of a massive, 8.3 earthquake off the coast of central Chile this afternoon, the NOAA has placed California under a tsunami alert with most shoreline from Newport Beach in Orange County to Port San…
Actual, real rain this early Wednesday, splashing across California’s north coast, and not just here, but this is a supposedly-goodly storm for northern California, bringing some way-needed wet. Rainfall totals along the shoreline are hard…
Overcast and humid near-noon Tuesday on California’s north coast, and although there’s rain forecast for tonight, earlier this morning was bright sunshine and clear skies. However, it didn’t take long for the cloud coverage to…
Thickly-overcast this near-noon Monday on California’s north coast — actually felt the first drop of rain this season walking back from Safeway earlier, a quick-dash on my hand, then a light, but obvious pelting for…
Amongst the storied, see-saw career of John McCain, his way-most-likely worst moment was hoisting Sarah Palin upon America. In the last nearly-eight years, Palin could be considered the source-epitome of bat-shit crazy in modern life,…
A deep-wet gray Wednesday morning here on California’s north coast as a semi-normal weather pattern has returned, though, a bit warmer than usual. The NWS calls it ‘dense fog,’ and that pretty-much nails it, as…
Bright sunshine and warm air this Tuesday morning on California’s north coast — we’re supposedly in for a warm streak again this week with temps maybe up in the low-70s here at the coast, 20-degrees…
Sunshine and a sharp ocean breeze this Saturday afternoon on California’s north coast — whipping into the Labor Day weekend and the unofficial end of summer. A short-burst of a summer, too. Rapid and unpredictable,…
Bright sunshine this early Friday on California’s north coast with like weather forecast for the next few days — no rain as yet in sight. Of course, no post yesterday — the big story around…
Sunshine and windy this Tuesday afternoon on California’s north coast — supposedly, a prospect of rain tonight, but as the NWS notes, a ‘Slight Chance‘ in the making. Reportedly, and thankfully, the various forest fires…