Anguish of the Medes
May 24, 2007What is private grief? Go off alone and cry? Hide it and tough it out, in private, within your own self? What, for hard-crap’s sake, is public grief? This morning a very private, horrific heartbreak…
What is private grief? Go off alone and cry? Hide it and tough it out, in private, within your own self? What, for hard-crap’s sake, is public grief? This morning a very private, horrific heartbreak…
Dufus Dick Cheney flew into Baghdad early this morning, wearing a fashion-conscious bullet-proof garment under his sport coat, which at first glimpse, looked a lot like a nice, cordoroy vest. Dufus Dick is in Iraq…
Sometimes when we hear something on the airwaves that makes us so mad as hell, we want to reach into the vast digital optic wasteland and snatch up Decider George and anyone else in close…