Atmosphere’s Climate
January 18, 2016Overcast and getting darker this Monday afternoon on California’s north coast as we wait for another big rainstorm due anytime now — and reportedly some strong winds, too, to blow the wet all over everything.…
Overcast and getting darker this Monday afternoon on California’s north coast as we wait for another big rainstorm due anytime now — and reportedly some strong winds, too, to blow the wet all over everything.…
Cold, drizzling rain this near-noon Wednesday on California’s north coast and we’re expecting maybe some thundershowers later on toward evening. According to the NWS, we should catch a small break tonight and into early Thursday,…
Deeply-overcast and drizzling this noon Sunday on California’s north coast, as the whole region prepares for another roller-coaster weather ride. Big storm due in this afternoon and evening, first in a series supposedly packing way-more…
Clear, bright sunshine and not-so-cold temperatures this Wednesday afternoon on California’s north coast, enveloped in a nice stretch of outside-conditions this week — no rain forecast until Sunday. The NWS is ‘expecting quiet weather‘ to…
Bright sunshine with a whole-lot of cold this Tuesday afternoon on California’s north coast as it appears we’ll be rain-free for a few days, with no wet stuff expected until next Sunday. You’d think after…
Overcast with an occasional heavy-downpour this early Monday afternoon on California’s north coast — we’ve been drenched the last three days, and apparently we’re going to remain drenched into the whole-coming week. According to the…
Overcast and a period of rain-relief this early Friday afternoon on California’s north coast, as the becoming-usual atmospheric river continues to drench the region. According to the NWS, we could get four-to-six inches of rain…
Clear as a bell and still way-chilly this Tuesday afternoon on California’s north coast — this morning cold as dog shit, below freezing for the first time, with frost covering rooftops. Supposedly this should carry…
Surprise, surprise this early Monday on California’s north coast — sunshine! And cold, too. One distinguishing mark with rainstorms is warmth, even if flowing from Alaska-way, and when clear the temperature goes down. Today’s not…
Heavy, relentless rain this early Sunday on California’s north coast — strong downpours all morning especially right before first light, in less than an hour we reportedly collected nearly three-quarters-of-an-inch of rain, a shitload in…