Educated Mortality
November 2, 2015According to Wikipedia, “middle age” as that ‘…period of age beyond young adulthood but before the onset of old age.’ In birthdays, your 40s, and early 50s, a stretch supposedly where you get a last,…
According to Wikipedia, “middle age” as that ‘…period of age beyond young adulthood but before the onset of old age.’ In birthdays, your 40s, and early 50s, a stretch supposedly where you get a last,…
Bright sunshine and clear skies this Monday morning on California’s north coast, as the bit of rain we felt this past weekend now only a memory. Supposedly, we get a respite today and tomorrow with…
Bright sunshine and nearly-clear skies this Thursday morning on California’s north coast and supposedly will continue the rest of the week, the seemingly always present fog bank notwithstanding. Rain this weekend — 20-30 percent, and…
Overcast right now this Monday morning as the culprit-fog burns off after moisturizing the landscape. The NWS claims today is supposed to be ‘mostly sunny,’ but currently the environment is damp and gloomy. Not so…
Overcast and quiet this Wednesday morning on California’s north coast. Although the NWS calls the weather ‘partly cloudy,’ there’s a great-deal of good-old-fashion Pacific fog drifting around in there, too. Rain prospects for this weekend…
Crystal-clear with way-bright sunshine and a chilly air this Monday morning on California’s north coast and the next few days are forecast for the same. Supposedly, temperatures should be warmer today, but a cool Pacific…
Thick, misty-fog this morning, but now well into Tuesday afternoon, faded sunshine is attempting to cut through the gloom, but seemingly having a hard time of it. Part-n-parcel this time of year for the shoreline,…
Thick, misty fog this early Monday on California’s north coast and chilly, too, but as is expected, the wet marine layer should all burn off before mid-day. The NWS predicts a ‘slight chance‘ of rain…
Foggy and a bit on the chilly side this Monday morning on California’s north coast — most-likely all will burn off later with sunshine and ocean breezes set for the afternoon. And today, of course,…
Sunshine and a sharp ocean breeze this Saturday afternoon on California’s north coast — whipping into the Labor Day weekend and the unofficial end of summer. A short-burst of a summer, too. Rapid and unpredictable,…