‘Our Town’
August 12, 2013Despite my best efforts and a lot of crying, it’s Monday again! And it’s foggy up here along California’s north coast, so the noted Perseid meteor shower won’t be seen in the morning murk — the…
Despite my best efforts and a lot of crying, it’s Monday again! And it’s foggy up here along California’s north coast, so the noted Perseid meteor shower won’t be seen in the morning murk — the…
Despite all my efforts, here we are at Monday again — another week trying to figure out which end of the pencil actually works, but this morning up here on California’s north coast, it’s cool,…
As I get older, the writing process appears to be short-winded, and based on mood — creative juices just don’t percolate onto the page, or as in this modern era, onto the laptop screen as…
Fog and quiet this early Tuesday on California’s north coast as we travail through the week. At least the pressure is finally off — Kate had a son yesterday, so the whole world can freakin’…
Here we are smack-dab in the middle of the week already — routine overcast and chilly on California’s north coast this morning as we descend toward the weekend. Doing a work week is really, really…
Bright and sunny this Saturday afternoon on California’s north coast, a brisk wind on the chilled side keeps the air a little crisp. Due to a lot of other more-glamorous news topics the last few…
Overcast this early Friday on California’s north coast and here we are again on the cusp of another weekend — can’t get here soon enough. Time flies even when you’re doing absolutely nothing — there…
Once again it’s already middle of the week — time flies when shit runs supreme. And a lot of it does stick to the wall. Another foggy early morning here on California’s north coast as…
Cloudy, drizzle and fog — another Sunday here on California’s north coast, though, the normal pedigree for this neck of the woods. Started out about the same yesterday, but near-noon sunshine came and everybody went…
Rain again this early Wednesday on California’s north coast, feels like it’s getting wet all over the world. Especially among the fringe-first, not-so-subtle Republican party, or as GOP underlings say: “I mean, you’ve got to…