Connect The Dots
May 5, 2012Despite all my efforts to keep track of shit, I’d never heard of Climate Impacts Day — the event launched by Bill McKibben’s — until this morning and was reading Dr. Jeff Masters, where he…
Despite all my efforts to keep track of shit, I’d never heard of Climate Impacts Day — the event launched by Bill McKibben’s — until this morning and was reading Dr. Jeff Masters, where he…
Moist weather here early this morning along California’s northern coast — a seemingly continuous drizzle which turns into a deep, wet fog and then back again. Fairly normal, though, for this region, but it still…
Political language — and with variations this is true of all political parties, from Conservatives to Anarchists — is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity…
One item that’s fallen off the news radar the past few weeks is gas prices — no more the hand-wringing stories of people going without food to fuel their vehicles and all is well. Out…
Mitt Romney waxing eloquent Friday at Otterbein University in Ohio: “The impact of gathering facts, gathering information, learning about the reality behind the words, has proven to me, in the business sector, that facts are…
As we begin a near-seven month nightmare — the 2012 elections — the US of A has become one vast holding pen of pure bullshit, creating an ironic, near-mockery of American democracy. Not only is…
We all live by certain rules, sometimes, and to be able to live outside those guidelines is fantasy. Michelle Obama has a thought, via CNN: “It is hard to sneak around and do what you…
Last week, a regular customer and I got into a short discussion during check-out on the subject of college debt — she told me she was having trouble paying off just $4,000 in loan obligations.…
(Illustration found here). A deeply-beautiful afternoon on California’s northern coast — finally after what’s seem like weeks and weeks of rain in various forms, so far, appears like we will get a full-day’s worth of…
Despite today being the national pot day — 4/20 — hahahahahahahahaha…. If you celebrate this particular day in any fashion, you’re not a real toker, but a celebrity seeker. In case you didn’t know it,…