Superbowel — What?
February 5, 2012Pig skin and history: Ground acquisition. And that’s what football is, football’s a ground acquisition game. You knock the crap out of eleven guys and take their land away from them. Of course, we only…
Pig skin and history: Ground acquisition. And that’s what football is, football’s a ground acquisition game. You knock the crap out of eleven guys and take their land away from them. Of course, we only…
After a visit to the laundromat this morning, I put another $20 worth of gas in the old, problem-plagued Jeep, wincing (both the Jeep and I) at a pump price of $3.99 a gallon for…
In an era of supposed enlightenment, marijuana still remains on the fringe — Dude, that needs to change. Newt Gingrich, however, does appear even worse after a couple of tokes — some changes require way…
Monday morning, and getting close to the end of another month — time flies when all kinds of shit are hitting the fan. Including this horror show in Florida — and I don’t mean the…
Yesterday after work, I put another $20 worth of gas in the old Jeep Comanche, now back up at $3.89 a gallon for regular — up three cents since the last time we visited the…
Using Osama bin Laden as a kind of verbal bookends, President Obama jumped on reality with a touch of a man-up pose in his state-of-the-union speech last night, calling on the US to “restore an…
Political lying as an art form: Take last Thursday’s Republican debate in South Carolina. Hundreds of G.O.P. voters applauded as Newt Gingrich blasted CNN’s John King for raising an accusation about marriage and sex in…
Subject to be most discussed this morning here in northern California — the 49ers loss yesterday to the New York Giants. Personally, I don’t give a fat-rat’s-ass, but this from fumble-bum Kyle Williams typified a…
A horse walks into a bar in South Carolina, the bartender asks: Why the long face? A newt peed on me, answers the horse. The chaotic mess of the GOP primary is finally over and…
(Illustration found here). In the US today, apparently all collective eyes were glued to South Carolina where intelligence-deficit Republicans held their primary to select from among a short-list of bullshitters a warm body to run…