Introductory Monday
January 5, 2015A kind of glowing overcast this early Monday on California’s north coast, clouds with sunshine right behind, seeking to brighten up start to the first work week of 2015 — weather-wise pretty nice around here…
A kind of glowing overcast this early Monday on California’s north coast, clouds with sunshine right behind, seeking to brighten up start to the first work week of 2015 — weather-wise pretty nice around here…
Today Emily Dickinson would be 184 — a nice, round, unobtrusive age for someone who’d been wonderful to have known at least for a time, brief or not, during those first 56 years. Dickinson has…
Clear and beautiful this way-too-early Monday on California’s north coast as the weekend is now history and we have to face the musical notes of a work week. Light is faint in the rising dawn,…
Dark this early Friday — Duh! And high overcast with a chilled breeze on California’s north coast as we’re only hours away from a weekend. Sitting here at the laptop in these pre-dawn hours is…
She would have been a neat person to hang out with, always interesting, always entertaining, conversations on a shitload of topics — if she could’ve spoke unfettered, and been herself. Emily Dickinson was most-likely a…
Overcast and eerie-quiet this early Wednesday AM — middle of the week and there’s nowhere else to go but forward. However, to advance further in this slipstream of bullshit, one must way-overcome a news cycle…