End Cycle
April 19, 2011Human life does indeed travel in cycles — spring, summer, fall and winter — with birth, youth, middle age and the final and abrupt circuit, death. History also appears to move in cycles and the…
Human life does indeed travel in cycles — spring, summer, fall and winter — with birth, youth, middle age and the final and abrupt circuit, death. History also appears to move in cycles and the…
(Illustration found here via Google Images). The current US political scene sucks through an extremely-thin straw, making it hard to swallow a possible federal government shut-down this Friday (tomorrow!). In my humble estimation, there’s never…
An interesting post from Australian writer on peak oil, Cameron Leckie, on the most-interesting concept of catabolic collapse, and how this view of the inevitable failure of complex systems affects/effects our current world — a…
Ordinary US peoples are financial slaves to the rich: In terms of types of financial wealth, the top one percent of households have 38.3% of all privately held stock, 60.6% of financial securities, and 62.4%…
Despite the over-abundance of mustard, a shit sandwich is still a shit sandwich. US peoples know stupid when they realize it — something ain’t right: Just 32 percent of respondents viewed the tea party favorably,…
In a modern world gone dangerously bat-shit crazy, maybe happiness is indeed a warm gun. As we ponder Japan getting radiated — workers were still trying this early morning to water down the exposed spent…
Dude, lose the car. From USATodayTravel: University of Iowa sophomore Jimmy Novak didn’t let $3.50-a-gallon gasoline prices keep him from making a spring break pilgrimage to Daytona Beach, Fla., with his fraternity brothers last weekend.…
As the protests across the US against GOP governmental operations — Wisconsin, Indiana, Missouri, Michigan, and on and on — gain momentum against the budget-busting, don’t-give-a-shit attitude of right-wing politicans whose exploits fly in the…
A good, quick guide for keeping track; from CNNMoney: The spike in oil last week could translate to an increase in gas prices of 37 cents per gallon in the coming weeks, according Moody’s Analytics…
As life continues to unravel, peoples of my age have come to realize the lie of the so-called ‘Great American Dream‘ — the future looks like shit. From the Wall Street Journal on Saturday: The…