Tag Archives: global warming

Climate Change Creatively Continues

February 6, 2022

(Illustration: Graph per NASA/JPL-Caltech, and found here). Bright sunshine and warming temps this near-mid-day Sunday here in California’s Central Valley, another beauty seemingly ahead of its time. The state has been in a perpetual cycle…

New Study Shows A Big Chunk Of Americans ‘Alarmed’ About Climate Change

January 13, 2022

As of late, my posts in the afternoon seem to have more climate change news than other horror shit, from over-heating oceans to super-hot months to super-hot years, and yesterday another sweltering weather report, this…

Earth’s Oceans Hottest In History — Global Warming Is Ocean Warming

January 11, 2022

Once again going beyond the horror of America’s one-sided democracy workshop, we are moved by another dire report on our collapsing environment and worsening life situation — one more heads-up to a code-red warning light…

Climate Change: ‘A Stark Reminder Of The Need To Change Our Ways’ — Duh!

January 10, 2022

(‘Increasing Forest Fire Activity‘ (watercolor and colored pencil) by climate-change artist, Jill Pelto). Beyond the pressing business of political ugliness, our weather is still taking a climate-changing whiplash. Although today here in California’s Central Valley…

If Climate Change Is Not Properly/Correctly Addressed — Shortly-Eventually: ‘We’re All 100-Percent For Sure Gonna Fucking Die!’

December 29, 2021

Drizzling still this early-evening Wednesday here in California’s Central Valley, after a day full of deep-overcast skies and continuous threat of hard rain — reportedly, maybe some sunshine tomorrow before another storm slated for next…

Snowless In The Mountains: Global Warming Imacts

December 18, 2021

Sunshine earlier this afternoon, and now a pleasant Saturday evening in California’s Central Valley, this another post tagging along with one earlier today on the ill business of climate change — Rod Serling strolling the…

Climate Change Induced Sea-Level Rise — Antarctica’s ‘Doomsday’ Glacier Melting Down And Could Be Gone In Less Than Five Years

December 18, 2021

(Illustration: ‘Antarctica,’ Esri/Antarctica REMA Explorer, and found at the BBC). In the press of daily activities, both in the ever-shitty news cycle and most-likey within each of our lives, the wondrous COP26 climate conference is…

UN Chief António Guterres On COP26 Agreement — ‘We Are Still Knocking On The Door Of Climate Catastrophe’

November 13, 2021

As the world weathers the accelerating impacts of climate change, attendees to COP26 in Glasgow, Scotland, finally reached an agreement, though, the entire affair could be another “blah, blah, blah” episode. Nutshell via The Washington…

Climate Change Heat: Quickest Temperature Rise In 24,000 Years — The Clock Is Melting!

November 10, 2021

(Illustration by Arne Dedert/Picture, Alliance/Getty Images, and found here). Despite some decent news today at the COP26 gathering in Glasgow, Scotland, the end results of this UN conference on climate change is up in the…